Chapter 7

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Elijah followed Y/N around as she trekked through the woods. It was as if he was watching her. Did he not trust her not to attack someone else? Whatever the reason, Y/N didn't find it to be one of the most comfortable in the woods.

She was surprised she hadn't attacked him by now.

Werewolves attacked vampires, so why wasn't she attacking. The wolf in her had no intention of attacking Elijah and it kind of bothered Y/N.

Was there something wrong with her? Maybe Elijah had compelled her not to attack him? She looked through any reason she could but she couldn't come across one that would really stick with her.

She turned around, looking up at Elijah. She sat and stared at him, hoping he got the gist to leave her be. She spent her time as a wolf alone, unless Tyler had decided to shift with her on the rare occasion.

Y/N did nothing as she watched Elijah intently. As the silence settled around them, besides the sound of crickets and a few birds, they both only watched each other.

As she guessed Elijah hadn't gotten the gist, she lightly growled. Elijah sighed a little and guessed, "You wish for me to leave?"

She stared, not doing anything. His presence wasn't annoying, it had a feel of comfort in it, but it wasn't enough for her to feel like she exactly wanted him there.

"Very well, then." Elijah spoke, looking ahead of him. He turned his attention back to her after a few silent moments, gave her a small smile, and said, "Goodbye, Y/N."

In a second, he disappeared from sight. Y/N looked after him, staring in the direction he'd just left. She let out a small whine and then huffed, standing and turning around to continue her night as a wolf.


The sky began to brighten, very slightly but enough to notice. Y/N headed back to the cellar, making her way quickly. Some of the humans ran through the woods in the morning sometimes as a morning routine, so she had to get there before she was seen.

When Y/N finally reached the cellar, she began shifting back, the action natural as she changed back. 

When she was back in her human form, Y/N put on her change of clothes and grabbed a blood bag, quenching some of her thirst from a long night as a wolf. As she headed out of the cellar, getting back to her car, she turned her phone back on and checked her messages.

There were five texts from Caroline, a text, a voicemail, and two missed calls from Tyler, and a text from Elijah.

"What the hell?" Y/N mumbled, opening her messages.

Y/N, did you hear what happened?


Y/N if you don't answer the damn phone...

Oh, yeah. It's a full moon, you're wolfing out.

Call me when you see this.

Y/N rolled her eyes, more drama. Was she a magnet for it or something?

2 Missed calls from Tyler

Call me back when you get this.

Y/N audibly sighed. Of course, he ended up getting himself in trouble again.

Are we still on for tonight?

Y/N smiled a little, shaking her head to sort her thoughts before replying to his text.

Yes. I'll explain last night later...

She turned to the other messages and responded to Tyler.

What the actual HELL do you do this time?

Y/N texted Caroline finally and responded with:

What happened?

A few moments later, she got another two replies.

Of course, see you then.

She smiled and checked the second reply.

...Call me...

She let out a sigh. It can't be good if she isn't willing to just text it. She called Caroline and on the first ring she answered.

"Y/N?" Caroline's voice came through in slight concern.

"Yeah? What's up, Care?" She asked as she walked to her car.

There was a small pause before Caroline confessed, "Tyler got himself in trouble again."

Y/N clenched her jaw and focused her sudden anger there instead of on her hand so she didn't crush the phone. She answered, "Of course, he did. Where is he now?"

There was another pause and Y/N pushed, "Caroline."

"Klaus has him. I don't know if he's okay or not. Klaus said he'll let Tyler go if you show." Caroline finally confessed.

Y/N kept herself under control, careful not to get too angry so she didn't go on a killing spree. She couldn't have one night to herself anymore. Just one.

Y/N responded after a few silent moments, "Okay. I'm going to head there now."

Caroline spoke, "Wait! It could be a trap! Let's talk about this first."

Y/N clenched her jaw before she replied, "Caroline, as much as this shouldn't make sense, Klaus isn't going to kill me. If he was going to, trust me, I would've already been dead by now. I'm going to get my cousin and then I'm going to kick his ass into another dimension."

Caroline spoke with a sigh, "You aren't going to change your mind so all I can tell you is to be safe. Please?"

Y/N's anger softened just a little. Caroline's concern for her didn't go unnoticed and it seemed to calm her wolf just a little. Enough to get a grip on her control again.

"I will. I'll call you later, Care." Y/N reassured,.

Y/N's anger softened just a little. Caroline's concern for her didn't go unnoticed and it seemed to calm her wolf just a little. Enough to get a grip on her control again.

"I will. I'll call you later, Care." Y/N reassured.

"You better. Or I'll kick your ass." She told you, hanging up. Y/N chuckled lightly before she finally reached her car, throwing her stuff inside and climbing in the seat.

She started the car and quickly headed to the Mikaelson's mansion.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now