Chapter 5

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Y/N gave him a small smile as she closed the door. Elijah pulled out as he began, breaking the silence before it settled, "So, how has your day been?"

Y/N sighed lightly as she peered out the window, stealing a look at the moon as she answered, "So far...chaotic."

"So far?" He questioned, glancing at her for a moment before looking back to the road.

She gave a simple explanation, "I'm not a big day person. I prefer to stay up at night for a little while. Enjoy whatever peace I can salvage in this town."

He chuckled, "Yes, that does seem to be a bit of a challenge."

It might have been the alcohol playing a prank, or maybe she was just this loose tongued, but when she spoke, she said, "Yeah. With all the vampires, Mikaelsons running around, peace is a little low in storage."

He looked at Y/N, his mouth opened slightly and his eyes narrowed. She instantly regretted saying this, but she was too proud to dissolve into apologies for letting her tongue slip.

"You know." He simply said. Y/N lifted her hand, wiggling her middle finger as a signal to his daylight ring. He looked at his finger and nodded, "Course. So different, yet so the same."

The last part was very quiet, as if he didn't want Y/N to hear it. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and said, "Well, I could say the same for you. My brother seems to like you out of all of his little hybrids."

Y/N shrugged, "Yeah, I've picked up on that." She glanced out at the moon again, with it being so bright, so...full... It distracted her.

Elijah stole a glance at Y/N before directing his quick focus to the moon then turning back to the road. "You seem to be very fascinated with the moon."

Y/N shrugged, "What can I say? I'm a fan."

He smiled and continued, "I'm sure there's more to the story than that."

She sighed, not turning away from the moon as she spoke, "It's full. Well...mostly. It's the first day of the full moon. It's...kind of distracting."

Elijah shrugged, pointing out, "You're a don't need to turn on the full moon, don't you?"

She nodded, finally turning to look at him. She spoke, "No...No, I don't need to but I do anyway."

He narrowed his eyes at her, "Why? Forgive me if I seem overbearing, I'm purely curious."

Again she shrugged before answering, "My father, Mason Lockwood. He was a werewolf and it seems unfair that he had to go through the pain of shifting ever full moon and I don't even have to turn."

Elijah nodded, he understood what she was saying.

"It doesn't hurt. She calls out to it. Plus...I find comfort in my wolf." She spilled. She cursed herself for letting so much information go.

"She?" Elijah questioned. Y/N brought herself back from her slight distraction as she clarified, "My wolf. It's a...hybrid thing." She waved the topic away and Elijah quickly caught on as he leaned away from the topic.

As she saw the Lockwood mansion, a part of her thanked the fact that she could not be released from the very slight awkwardness of the silence that had begun to settled, while the other half became saddened by the fact that her time with Elijah had been cut short.

Y/N knew deep down that it wasn't just her wolf growing familiar to the vampire who had driven her home. 'Behave', she thought to her wolf.

As he pulled up, the car came to a stop and he was out of the car in an instant, opening her door before she could blink. Elijah held out his hand to Y/N and she smiled as she took it.

She smiled at Elijah and thanked him again for the ride home. "It's no problem. I rather enjoyed our talk, even if it was short."

She nodded and said, "Goodnight, Elijah."

He stopped her, grabbing her arm very gently as he said, "Wait." Y/N turned around quickly. She wasn't expecting that as she turned. She had to calm down, as she had become slightly alarmed from the small touch.

She blamed the vampire in her for that. She apologized and Elijah spoke, "It's quite alright. I wanted to know if you would like to have dinner with me tomorrow."

Y/N blushed slightly but it quickly faded away as she settled herself. "I would...but tomorrow's when the moon is at its fullest."

Elijah nodded, remembering what she'd told him about her shifting habits. He asked, "When are you free, then?"

Y/N shrugged, "The day after, I'm open."

He smiled, "Wonderful." He reached in his pocket and handed Y/N his phone for her number. She smiled and chuckle a little as she punched in her number. "There I am."

He smiled as he took his phone back, "Great. I'll text you."

Y/N smiled, "Of course."

He told her softly, "Goodnight, Y/N."

The familiarity in his words stumped her. It must have been her wolf. She was way to familiar with Elijah, despite this being the first day she'd ever met him.

Must have been the moon. It was full, it was an off day.

She snapped out of her trance and nodded to Elijah, "Goodnight." She turned and left inside the house, doing her best not to look back at Elijah as he watched her go inside.

When she finally shut the door behind her, she looked out the peephole as Elijah lingered for a moment before he got back in his car and drove away. Y/N sighed and turned around, immediately met with Tyler.

"Sup, cuz." She greeted as she walked past him. He asked as he followed Y/N, "Who was that?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm older than you, Ty."


"So I should be asking you whose scent is stinking up the house right now." Y/N told him as she stopped and turned to face her cousin on the third step of the stairs.

Tyler shrugged, not bothering to even try and find an excuse, "Why?"

Y/N motioned, "Exactly."

Tyler sighed, "Fine. I had Matt over an half an hour ago. It's nothing."

He wasn't lying. "Now your turn."

She continued walking up the stairs as she shouted behind her, "My business is my business."

Tyler rolled his eyes and gave up, going to find something to occupy himself with. Before she closed the door, she spoke through the house, knowing Tyler would be able to hear her, "Tomorrow's the full moon. No one at the house while I'm gone or I will kick your ass."

Y/N heard him speak from another room in the house, "You always threaten to kick my ass."

"Do I follow up on that promise?" She questioned.

There was a little hesitance before he confessed, "Yes."

"Exactly." With that, Y/N closed her door and took a shower as she got herself freshened up. She wouldn't be going to bed for another couple of hours, but it didn't hurt to get ready early.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now