Chapter 2

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Elijah watched the two hybrids pull out of the driveway, standing there as he watched them drive out of sight. He took in a breath and mumbled to himself, "We meet again, at last."

He turned and began walking back to the mansion. As soon as he stepped foot in the living room, he began speaking, as he knew his brother was in the room.

"Was it really so hard to tell me that one of your little hybrids was her, Niklaus?" Elijah asked, looking up from the letter folded nicely in his hands.

Klaus looked up with his crooked smirk. "What can I say? I love a good surprise." Elijah narrowed his eyes at his brother as he told him, "You know I have been waiting to find her again. Not only do you find her, but you turn her into a hybrid and decide not to inform me of it."

Klaus shrugged, "You would find each other eventually. You always do." Elijah shook his hand, looking back to the aged letter and brushing a thumb over it.

Klaus rolled his eyes as he said, "Well, what are you waiting for, Elijah? She's there. Go get her."

Elijah simply let out a small huff and told him, "No. You know that isn't how this works, Niklaus." He shrugged and stood to make his leave, "Suit yourself."

Elijah sighed and looked at the letter again. It was time to try again.


The car ride back to Tyler's place was silent. Y/N was beyond pissed at her cousin and Tyler knew it, which was why he had refrained from talking to her.

As she pulled up to the Lockwood house, she turned off the car and slammed her door as she stormed inside. Tyler sighed and went after her, "Just hear me out, Y/N."

She turned swiftly on Tyler as she yelled, "No! What the hell is going on in that brain of yours? First you piss off an Original, then you steal from one? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Tyler shook his head, "I only stole the letter because I saw something written in it." He pulled out his phone, pulling up some pictures for her to look at.

Y/N shook her head and held her hands in front of his phone so she couldn't see them. "No, no, no! I am not getting myself tangled up in the Mikaelson family drama like you did!"

Tyler clenched a fist and said, "Just look at them! You'll see why I stole the letter!"

Y/N refused as she stormed up the stairs, heading to her room, "No, Tyler! I'm not getting myself in trouble just because you had me snoop through the Mikaelson family secrets! I'm not!"

Tyler let out an angry huff as she refused him. He clenched his jaw and tried not to break anything.

Y/N reached her room and slammed her door as hard as she could so Tyler could hear. She collapsed on her bed and put her hands in her head, throwing her keys to her nightstand.

Her phone dinged and she looked over to see it. She sighed and checked the message.

Please just hear me out.

The screen read. Y/N clenched her jaw and replied to his message:

Will you leave me alone about it if I do?

A moment later, he responded:


Y/N clenched her jaw before sighing heavily and mumbling, "I can't believe I'm doing this."


Instead of getting another message, Y/N received a photo. She rubbed her face before finally opening the photo and reading what the letter had said.

Dearest, Elijah,

She stopped there. Why must Tyler bring her into things she didn't want to meddle with?

Dearest, Elijah,

I want you to know that you are the last thing I think about before I go to sleep and the only thing I think about during the day. I want you to know that I'm always there beside you, even in your dreams. Whenever you look at the dream catcher I gave you, think of me and my love for you. If you're feeling tired, just take a deep breath and think of us and our love.

If you're having difficulties falling asleep, just count our kisses until you lose track of them. And always know that I am there next to you. Know that you are in my heart and distance is never a barrier.

I love you, Elijah.

With sincerest love,

"What the hell?" Y/N mumbled to herself. She was lost in confusion for a moment before she shook her head and texted back to Tyler the best possible answer.

So? I'm sure there are tons of people with the name 'Y/N'.

She waited for Tyler response, not sure if she was even convincing herself. She really didn't want to deal with Tyler anymore. She just wanted to go to sleep and hope this was just a really weird dream.

When her phone went off, she was surprised that it wasn't Tyler.

Hey, Y/N, we're going out for drinks. Do you wanna come?

Y/N pursed her lips as she responded:

Depends, who all is 'we'?

She could imagine Caroline rolling her eyes as she read her reply:

It's me, Bonnie, and Elena.

Y/N tilted her head, shaking it as she responded to her friend.

Why would I want to hang out with Elena?

There was a knock at Y/N's door and she knew it was Tyler. She shook her head as said, "Go away. You said you would stop talking about it."

He opened her door and said, "Y/N, what are the odds of someone with the same name as you writing a love letter to Suit Guy?"

She rolled her eyes and read the response from Caroline.

C'mon! I'm bored and Elena is my friend! Please, please, please!

Y/N shook her head and didn't look back up at Tyler as she texted Caroline. "Tyler, the odds aren't that low. Just leave it be. And don't mention me when you get caught! I'm not dying with you because you can't keep your paws to yourself!"

Fine! But it's on you, not me!

Tyler shook his head, "Are you really not going to at least try and see the possibility, Y/N?"

Y/N shook her head, "If it keeps me alive, no! I'm done talking about it, Tyler!"

He huffed and left the room with clenched fists. She turned back to her phone to see Caroline's text.

Yay! I'll pick you up! I'm headed your way now. Is Tyler home?

Yeah. Just text me when you pull up. I'll meet you outside.


Y/N couldn't help but smile. Yes, Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie were a trio but she and Caroline were the best of them. Y/N and Caroline were partners, besties. As Caroline would put it when Y/N wasn't in the room, knowing she hated it when Caroline said it, they were each other's Ride or Die.

Y/N was definitely going to talk about today's roller coaster ride with her.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now