Chapter 8

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Y/N raced to the Mikaelson mansion, every intention of saving Tyler again and then kicking his ass right after.

If he wasn't already dead.

She was going so fast, she thought the cop were going to stop her but they never did. She finally reached the mansion, rushing out her car and standing at the living room in a second.

"Ah, you're here." Klaus began, walking into the room with his hands behind his back, "I was beginning to think you didn't care for your cousin, after all."

Y/N turned quickly, facing the hybrid as she spoke, "Klaus-"

"Save yourself some breath, love." He cut her off, rolling his eyes. He left the room for a split second, coming back with Tyler in less.

He had a hold of him by the back of his shirt in no time. Y/N glared at Tyler who held his hands in defense, "What?! I showed up here and was suddenly in trouble!"

Y/N then looked to Klaus, who had a smirk plastered on his face. She spoke, "Please, just...let him go, Klaus."

He raised his brows, "Done." He let go of Tyler, dropping him to the floor and shoving him to her. She kneeled down and told him, "I'm done, Tyler. I'm done."

Tyler gave her a pleading look, intending to speak before he was cut off by Klaus. "Before you both go all, 'I'm going to kick your ass' or 'Please, cousin, hear me out', I need to speak with you privately, Y/N."

Tyler stood, standing tall next to Y/N. Klaus sped over, grabbing Tyler by the shoulders and compelling him to go home. Tyler tried to fight it but gave in, unable to stop himself from giving in to Klaus' order.

Y/N watched him leave before she was turned to face Klaus. "What do you want, Klaus? Why did you let him go so easily?"

Klaus shrugged, "I only used Tyler to get to you. You said you'd save him and that gave me exactly what I needed. He is free to go, you however, are here for a different reason."

She grew impatient, wanting to know what it was he wanted before her patience ran out and her wolf came to say hi, resulting in her getting killed this time.

"What is it you want from me, Klaus?" She questioned.

Klaus held up three fingers, slowly counting down before pointing to the door behind him. Elijah came into the room, exceptionally angry at Klaus for something.

Elijah spoke in the calmest voice he could manage, "Niklaus, was there a reason for you to snap my neck?"

Klaus turned to face his brother, the smirk annoyingly bigger as he said, "Yes, indeed, there is."

He didn't say anything further before Elijah urged, "Would you mind sharing with the class?"

Klaus answered as he slowly walked to his brother, "Well, you see, brother, I needed you here while I talked with Y/N here."

Elijah turned to look at her, a small, sudden change in his expression. He clenched his jaw and faced Klaus, some irritation still residing in his tone but a handful of it calmed from the mere sight of Y/N.

He told him, "You could have asked. Or is that not something you do anymore?"

Klaus gave a small chuckle and said, "It was necessary..."

"I don't see how." Elijah continued.

Klaus placed his hand on his brother's shoulder as he turned to face Y/N. "I needed you to come in ready to kill me."

"And why is that?" Elijah asked further, narrowing his eyes, quickly growing tired of his games.

He raised his brows for a moment as he smirked, "Entertainment."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Wasn't there something you wanted to talk about, Klaus?"

He nodded, clapping a hand on Elijah's shoulder. In a split second, the action so sudden, it was almost too fast to comprehend, Klaus had bitten into Elijah's neck.

Y/N took a step back, covering her mouth with her hands. "What the hell!" Y/N yelled. Klaus let go of Elijah, wiping the corner of his mouth of the blood that now stained his lips.

Elijah held his neck, bringing his hand to see the blood that had surfaced.

Klaus had given Elijah a werewolf bite.

"What have you done?! He could die!" Y/N yelled, rushing to Elijah's side. Klaus rolled his eyes and spoke, "He's an Original, love. A small werewolf bite won't kill him."

He then grabbed Y/N by her shoulder and lifted her up, "Now, your blood can heal him but you won't."

Y/N looked at Elijah and questioned, "And why won't I?"

Klaus said, "Let me rephrase that, your blood can heal him but you won't yet."

Y/N again asked, "And why not?"

Klaus gave her a shit-eating grin, the same one that she wanted to smack off his face. He looked into her eyes, his hands on her shoulders and his focus locked on her.

His pupils dilated and contracted as he compelled Y/N, "You will not heal my brother until you remember."

He let her go. Y/N's eyes widen as she questioned, "Remember what?"

He grinned, "Everything."

He sped out of the room for a moment, appearing for just a second to say, "Oh, and I'd move quickly. Even if he is an Original, the werewolf bite won't be easy on him."

Elijah told him brother, "Niklaus, this is not how this will work!"

Klaus shrugged, "You've tried it your way, Elijah. It's time for mine."

Elijah clenched his jaw before Klaus sped away once again. Y/N sped to the vampire's side, beginning to bite into her wrist. When she brought it to her lips, she tried to get her teeth to pierce her skin but couldn't get herself to bite down on it.

"Damn vervain wore off." She mumbled.

Elijah spoke, "Y/N, you don't have to stay."

She nodded a little, "Yeah, I do. My wolf isn't going to let me leave while you're injured."

He smiled just a little as he spoke, "You have to tell me more about this-" Elijah put a hand over the bite, his knees buckling just a little before he caught himself.

She went to go help him as he told her, "I'm alright, I'm alright."

Y/N sighed before she supported Elijah up, asking, "So, where's your room?"

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now