Chapter 3

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Caroline pulled up and Y/N headed straight outside. As Tyler passed her, now seeing her dressed in a different outfit from the one before, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"To mind my own business. Why?" Y/N asked, turning to face him.

Tyler sighed as he said, "Okay, I'm sorry." She shrugged and started walking to the front again.

"Okay. Cool. Bye." She told him as she walked out the door. Tyler shook his head and started to say something, but Y/N had the door closed behind her before he could.

He knew Caroline was at the front. Of course he did, he could smell her scent. But he decided not to do anything. It seemed like the smart option and he seemed to not have enough of those.

Y/n climbed into the car and smiled at her best friend. Caroline saw the tiredness of her friend and said, "Drinks and talks. You look like you need to get something off your chest."

Y/N shook her head, "No, I'm great."

She said, "So it's about Tyler. Of course it's about Tyler. I got you." She pulled out of the drive and headed straight for the Grill.

They arrived in good time. When the two friends walked through the front doors, they spotted Bonnie and Elena at the bar.

 Bonnie smiled and waved them over, ordering them their usual. Caroline and Y/N found their seats next to the witch and the vampire as they greeted each other.

"So, what's the latest drama?" Caroline asked, looking between the three girls she sat with. Her smile was clear on her face that she knew someone had a juicy story that she wanted to hear.

Bonnie raised a brow and asked, "Wasn't the point of this to take a break from drama?"

Caroline gave her a questioning look, tilting her head a little as she asked, "Are we drunk yet?"

Y/N held a finger at Caroline as if she was a dog getting in trouble for chewing up her owner's shoes. "Care, I'm not here to get drunk. I'm here to have a couple of drinks and hang out with my friends...and Elena."

Elena looked away for a moment. She knew that Y/N wasn't very fond of her and she also knew Y/N to not sugarcoat anything. Caroline pouted, "Yeah, but come on!" She then leaned in and whispered to Y/N, "And you said you were going to behave."

She asked, "When did I ever say that, enlighten me, Caroline."

She tried to justify herself, "Over the phone!"

Y/N pulled up her texts and showed Caroline that there was nothing there that said she'd 'behave'. Caroline sighed and said, "Okay, you got me."

She smiled, "I know." When the drinks came, Y/N took a good swig of hers. Elena spoke, "Oo, someone's got something to get off her chest."

Y/N looked between all the girls who were now staring at her, waiting for her to spill.

She sighed and said, "So Tyler pissed off Klaus today."

"That's not news." Bonnie commented. The girls chuckled, knowing Tyler this was never anything new.

Y/N continued after taking another drink, "I saved his ass...again."

"Nothing new." Caroline commented this time.

She put a finger to her lips and shushed them, "Telling a story here." The girls giggled and she continued, "While I was threatening Tyler in the car, a random guy popped up in front of the car and I stopped before I hit him.

"He bent down in the window and said to himself 'Hello, again', looking at me. Guess he thought I couldn't hear him. Thing is, I'd never met him before in my life." Y/N explained.

Elena chimed in, "That's a big red flag."

"Stalker." Bonnie said in a sing-song voice.

She shook her head and continued, "Turns out, Tyler had stolen something from him. Amazing."

"Sounds like a Tyler move." Caroline said.

She nodded, "Yeah. Well, he stole a letter. I returned it. Turns out he's a vampire, he had a daylight ring on. Then he introduces himself, 'I'm Elijah'. Fantastic. I got myself involved with another Original."

Bonnie spoke, "Correction: Tyler got you involved with another Original."

Y/N chuckled lightly, "Yeah. He said "I hope to see you again. And me being the dumbass that I am said 'Of course'."

Elena furrowed her brow, "I don't really see how that's a dumbass move."

Y/N looked at her and tilted her head, "It was a dumbass move because it means I'm going to end up seeing him again. He's an Original. I don't want to get involved."

Elena nodded and sat back in her stool, tracing the rim of her glass with her finger. Caroline whispered for Y/N to chill out on Elena.

Y/N rolled her eyes and little and Bonnie asked, "Is that it? The meeting of a new Original?"

She shook her head and pulled out her phone again, passing it to the girls once she had the picture pulled up.

"This is the letter Tyler stole." Y/N explained.

They all read it fairly quickly, not getting the point at first but immediately understanding when they reached the end.

"You know what's even weirder?" Y/N continued, "The note looks familiar. when I saw it folded up, the melted candle wax had an imprint in it that looks really familiar. It was like déjà vu."

Bonnie started, "I would say it was just déjà vu, but in the world we live in...I'd probably be wrong."

Y/N sighed, "That's reassuring."

Caroline said, "You think maybe it just happens to be someone else with the same name as you?"

Elena shrugged, "Yeah, I mean. It would make sense."

Y/N spoke, "Yeah, that's what I thought first...but as Bonnie said, in the world we live in..."

They understood and Bonnie said, "Okay, who has normal stuff that would make sense to be normal with actual normal people and not something that has to do with our paranormal?"

Caroline chimed in as Y/N got another glass of her drink, finishing off the first one. "So, Stefan took me on a picnic."

"Again with Stefan." Elena chuckled. Y/N shrugged, "Hey, at least this is normal. Unless you say something about not normal. Caroline, I swear."

She shook her head, "No! It's not I swear! We had a picnic and it was really sweet."

That's when Caroline began rambling about Stefan and all of them started ordering more drinks to make the conversations more interesting.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now