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The next day, when the sun rose in the sky, Y/N's eyes opened to find Elijah laying next to her in bed. His eyes were opened as she laid her head against his chest.

When Y/N smiled, taking a breath in and blowing it out while she shifted a little, his eyes looked toward her, his hand in her hair petting her gently.

Y/N grumbled, "Good morning."

Elijah smiled at her, kissing her temple as he responded, his voice just as endearing as it had been for the past multiple centuries.

"Good morning, dear heart."

Y/N let her eyes quickly adjust to being awake. She could hear the sound of the refrigerator opening in the kitchen and sighed once again.

They would eventually have to get up, although she wanted to stay here forever. Y/N leaned her head up, parting the skin of her cheek from his bare chest to look up at him.

"I missed you. I missed this." Y/N told him softly.

He smiled once again, placing a kiss to her lips before telling her, "So have I."

"Are you lovebirds going to lie in bed all day?" Niklaus' currently annoying voice teased from downstairs.

Y/N rolled her eyes and let her head gently fall back onto Elijah's chest. She let out a breath and growled under her breath to where he couldn't hear her, "I'm going to kill him."

Elijah let out a small chuckle at Y/N's little snarl and pet her hair once more. He inhaled deeply, letting a deep groan leave his throat as he let out the breath, the sound resonating in his chest.

"We have to get up sooner or later." Elijah told her. Y/N pouted, "Do we? We can't just stay here all day?"

He kissed her lips again, kissing her cheek, her brow, and her temple right after. "Unfortunately, we cannot."

Y/N pouted again and let out one more content sigh. "Okay." Elijah smiled and soon they were both finally out of bed, walking downstairs together.

Elijah wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist when they reached the bottom of the stairs. Niklaus watched as they walked over together, a crooked smile on his face.

"Why, hello, Y/N." He greeted, the smile getting on her nerves the more she looked at it.

Y/N put on a friendly smile as she said, "Hey, Niklaus. Even if I didn't exactly like your methods, thank you."

He smiled and held his arms out as he told you, "Give us a hug, why don't you?"

She smiled and went in to hug him, her arm wrapping around his neck. Right before she let go, she swiftly twisted his head, snapping his neck effectively.

"Yeah, thanks." She told him, a small smile laying on her lips as she walked passed Niklaus' body and into the kitchen.

Elijah shook his head and took a step over his brother's body, following his beloved. Y/N dug in the fridge and grabbed a blood bag, starving as she realized she hadn't fed in hours.

She sat at a stool and checked her phone for messages. Elijah stood behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders as he looked over her and to her phone.

"How does she manage to leave me with 34 missed calls and 58 text messages?" Y/N questioned her friend as she looked at her messages from Caroline.

Elijah kissed Y/N's jaw as he said, "You might want to tend to that, I have a few errands to run myself today."

She sighed and shook her head. He kissed her once more, turning her face gently with his hand to capture her lips in a slow, loving moment.

Written In The Centuries | Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now