Chapter 1

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It is every girl's dream for a man, a good-looking man at that, to chase after them as they desperately shout their name. It would be more romantic once the guy has caught up, grabbed the girl's wrist gently, pull her towards him, and enclose her in an embrace that makes her feel like she's all that matters.

It's one of the most popular cliche's in every story, nevertheless it still makes every readers squeal even if they are already aware of what's going to happen. The said event has a probability of 0.001% from happening in the real world, but wouldn't it be romantic to experience, or even witness such a scene?

Sophie Elizabeth Foster would have to disagree, being chased by a good-looking man or any in the elvin world screams trouble. Unfortunately, it's not the Neverseen or any other shady organizations that would make her run away.

It's that handsome (yes, Sophie painfully admits it) elf with the perfect hair that goes by the name of Keefe Sencen.

"FOSTER!" Keefe shouted, running towards her way.

It's not the first time someone had called Sophie by her surname, especially back in the the Forbidden Cities. However, this one in particular just makes her lose all her blood and rationality.

Her feet started to shift, her body telling her to run away even when she hasn't fully grasped the situation yet. All she knows is that Keefe was running towards her at full speed, a bit of his usual confidence noticeably missing.

Even if she was concerned with it, her mind seems to tell her that her life is more of a pressing concern. Sophie did what she could, and that was to run.

"W-Why are you running away?" Keefe shouted again, this time a little softer.

"I don't know!" she admitted, still running like her life depended on it. "Why are you chasing me?" she shouted without looking back.

In her opinion, running was a futile option. Both of them know Keefe can easily outrun her, especially if you add her clumsiness and luck into the picture. What Keefe doesn't know is that Sophie can and will leave him in the dust so long as she doesn't trip first.

"As much as I like chasing after the Mysterious Miss F, this is getting pretty tiring." Sophie rolled her eyes, noticing how he didn't actually answer her question.

"I'm not stopping then." The moment those words left her lips, Sophie had done a successful brain push on her legs, giving her a significant distance between her and Keefe. If Keefe was stunned, he didn't show it as he picked up his pace.

Noticing that a corner was coming up, Sophie hoped that no one was there for a clear path. Alas, as soon as she took a turn, her luck had just slammed her back to reality, quite literally too.

A pair of hands held her by the arms, keeping her from falling to the floor. She was both terrified and relieved to know that the person she ended up bumping with was not a mentor, but a senior.

A level 8 student.

Without looking up, she proceeded to tell the senior a string of apologies and excuses, however she was taken aback when she heard a familiar laugh. Sophie took all her remaining courage to look up, and she wasn't disappointed that she did.

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now