Chapter 32

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A/N: We're back to 3rd person now folks. Happy reading!


"Are you ready to go now?" Edaline asked as she knocked on Sophie's door.

They are going to the Sanctuary as part of a monthly check-up to some of the animals being held there, and coincidentally, Sophie will be going on another sleepover so no one will be home.

"Yes mom!" She shouted from the inside. She slightly opened the door and looked at her mother with an expression her mom can't read.

"What's wrong?" her mother asked, caressing her hair.

"Mom, don't get angry at me." She said, whispering the words.

She looked at Sandor and he immediately knew what she was going to say, so he made up an excuse telling them he'll be downstairs.

Sophie opened the door and Edaline entered. She immediately saw the difference in Sophie's room, as it was not that impossible to observe.

"Oh, sweetie! You redecorated your room?" she said, looking at the different small canvas hanging on her wall.

Even her desk has some mini decorations here and there, and the room seems more 'Sophie' now.

"Oh! Yes, I did, but that's beside the point. Maybe, a bit." She said, looking everywhere but at her mother.

Edaline knows from who she got those drawings, and her guess was as good as right. This conversation is going to be about a certain boy.

"Mmhm, go on." She said, gesturing for them to sit at the bed and talk.

"So, mom. I talked to you because you're more... reasonable." She said, finding the most appropriate word. "Remember my matchmaking scroll?"

With all that has happened, it has been the least of her parents worries. "Yes, dear. What about it?"

She was tugging a loose eyelash when she spoke "Well, I can't exactly disclose confidential information, but the scroll is special. It ranks whoever is closest to your heart, and last time, all my friends are either 1 or 2, right?"

Edaline nodded, gesturing for her to go on.

"And, well. Umm... I guess it's better if I show you." She said as she took the scroll out of her bag.

Edaline's face went from confused to understanding, and her eyes lit up at the name on top.

"So, you and... Keefe?" She said, giving Sophie her usual goofy grin.

Sophie blushed and tried to hide her face using her hair. "Umm, yes. But, we're not... official. I told him the rule." She emphasized, stumbling upon her own words.

That's right, Edaline remembered Grady having a long boy talk with Sophie, and told her that he'll only agree to dating when she has finished her Foxfire years.

"What did he say?" Edaline said, patting Sophie's shoulder.

"He said he'll wait for 3 years, but I never told him that he might be waiting for longer than that. Or, waiting for nothing at all."

The air around them became tense over the last sentence. Even Edaline didn't try to give her false hope, because they know better than that.

"Well, if you love him, I won't stop you from spending the rest of your little time left with him. I'll talk to Grady about this, but you do know how this will turn out, right?" She giggled.

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