Chapter 7

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A/N: It's time for some SoKeefe y'all 🥰


"I knew it." Said the voice coming from the door. Sophie looked up, but with the tears in her eyes, all she can see is a blurry image of a person. She rubbed her eyes as she removed the tears, what appeared in front of her was a mischievous ice blue-eyed elf.

"Keefe?" She asked, disbelief in her tone.

"Yep, it's me, your favorite." Keefe said while mimicking a supermodel pose.

Sophie looked at him with the blankest expression, as if he was a mere hallucination. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I felt your emotions. So after I leaped, I went back, and thank goodness Gigantor's considerate of the situation, so he let me in." Keefe explained. He pointed a hand at the direction of Sophie's bed and asked "May I?"

Sophie nodded and moved a little bit away from the side so Keefe could sit. "How'd you know?" She asked.

"Foster, I just introduced myself a while ago and you already forgot? You're hurting me." He said, placing a hand over his chest, feigning hurt.

Sophie replayed his introduction earlier, and the part where he told his ability echoed over and over again.

"Oh, yeah. You're an empath. But, I thought you need physical contact- oh, that time at the leapmaster." Sophie said, to which Keefe nodded.

"So? Do you mind me here? You can treat me like a wall, just say what you want to say. I'd prefer it if you cry in my arms though." He said jokingly and spread his arms, waiting for a hug.

The next thing was so fast for him to process. Sophie jumped on him and hugged him, which made the both of them fall to the floor with a loud thud.

"Hey, Foster. Easy." Keefe said, patting Sophie's back. The silence stretched out for a couple of minutes, making it slightly awkward until Sophie broke the silence.

"You know, I'm actually happy because I woke up in this unexplainable situation, and yet people are so kind to me." She said in between sobs. "Mm-hmm" said Keefe, patting her hair. "So, why are you feeling this way?" He asked.

"It's because it feels like I'm back to square one. Do you get it? You may know me, but I don't know you. Yes, my memories may come back, but how long will it take? Tam's a special case, because we met more recently than the rest of you and had few little conversations together, but what about the rest of you? I feel like I'm hurting you all for not remembering." She explained. Keefe looked at the ceiling, trying to figure out what to say.

"Yes we are hurt, but not because you don't remember us. It pains us to see you like this, do you get me Foster?" Sophie remained still in his arms, still crying.

"Look, we're not forcing you to remember immediately. Of course, it would really be better if you remembered us, but we trust in you. We are lucky enough that you didn't push us away. You could've cut all ties with us and we'll be strangers in your eyes, while you're someone whom we've always known. Just... take your time, okay?" Keefe waited for a couple of seconds until she responded with a nod.

"It's scary, I feel like I was put in this world without anyone or anything I could trust. Deep in my heart, I know I could trust you guys, but you know. It's hard." She said.

"And we don't blame you for feeling that way. I went back here because I thought you'd need someone. I mean, sure, Ella is there for you, but I'm more comfortable to hug, right?" Keefe said, which made Sophie laughed.

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