Chapter 25

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A/N: Credits to the owner of the pictures. Got them from Pinterest.


"Okay, I know you're physically and mentally drained..." Dex started, looking everywhere except Sophie's eyes.

"Mmhm." Sophie answered.

"Plus we're kinda pushing you to win this thing..." Linh said, continuing Dex's statement.

"Okay, so where exactly is this conversation going?" Sophie impatiently asked.

"So... we thought we'd get you something." Dex said as they were having a mini picnic on the field. The cafeteria was filled with prodigies and visitors, so they had to go somewhere else.

He brought out a box wrapped in teal ribbon, Sophie's favorite color, and handed it to her.

Sophie's eyes immediately lighted up and looked at her three embarassed friends. "How- what- really?" She said, looking back to the box and to her friends.

"Well, we might've asked my Dad to get some for us when he last went to the Forbidden Cities..." Biana said, feeling shy and refusing to look at Sophie.

"OMG, you guys are the realest!" Sophie said as she hugged them all. Dex blushed a bit but the two girls hugged her back.

"So... what's that?" Fitz asked, pointing to the box.

Sophie carefully remove the knot from the ribbon and opened the box. "It's chocolate." She said after popping one into her mouth.

Fitz made an "O" with his mouth and looked like he wanted one too. She gave him the one with the mint flavor because she remembered that it was his favorite flavor: chocolate and mint.

"Can you shower us with some explanation? Actually, I think it's just me who doesn't know anything about that." Keefe said, looking at the perfectly carved chocolates carefully.

"To put it simply, it's a sweet confectionery. What flavor do you want?" Sophie asked.

"Uhh, Vanilla?" He said and Sophie handed her the Vanilla flavored one. Keefe ate it in one bite and instantly perked up.

"Ooh! This is some good stuff! And I feel like I have lots of energy!" Keefe exclaimed, running around them.

"Yeah well, that's what chocolate does to your body." Sophie said, avoiding looking at Keefe who was running in circles. She feels like she's the one getting dizzy with his actions.

"By the way, how'd you know I wanted these?" Sophie asked her friends.

"You might have accidentally told Tam about it, and Tam might've slipped and told us?" Linh said, looking sorry at his twin who was hiding his embarrassment.

"Aww! Thank you! But, are you sure this is... mine?" Sophie asked, suddenly realizing what she was eating.


Valentines celebration.

Linh laughed a little before saying "We have another one at home, if that's what you mean." They both took a peek at Biana, and let out a sigh when it looks like she isn't getting it.

"Well, goodluck." Sophie said as he playfully patted Tam's shoulder who just nodded back at her.

Linh was smiling at him and Dex was trying to fit the puzzles together in his head, but failing to complete it. Fitz look unbothered, the same for Biana, but her eyes gives it all away.

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