Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you're gonna be okay today?" Edaline asked as she was preparing Sophie's breakfast. "You could rest for a couple more days, Magnate Leto is fine with either way." She added.

Sophie wore her red uniform, together her level 6 Foxfire cape and the Ruewen family pin. She also wore the necklace Keefe gave her (which she still doesn't remember) and the fade fuel elixir she always had.

"It's fine, mom. I'd be going back sooner or later anyways." Sophie shouted from her room.

She stood in front of the mirror to take one last look when a face popped out. "You were better yesterday. But! I'll make you better today if you follow my instructions." Vertina said.

Sophie nodded and followed her instructions for Vertina's desired hairstyle.

"Wow, I do look better." Sophie said, looking at her reflection when she was done. Her hair was styled in a braid, but in way that it went from one side to the other side. *picture for reference*

She stepped out of the mirror's range and was turning the room upside down, looking for something

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She stepped out of the mirror's range and was turning the room upside down, looking for something.

A knock came from the door, stopping her from what she was doing as she went to answer it.

"I heard some crashing sounds. What were you looking for?" Edaline asked, with one of her hand still holding a big spoon.

"Oh, I was looking for perfume." Sophie said. Edaline looked at her as if she asked for the moon. "Perfume you say?"

Sophie hinted at Edaline's tone, and guessed that she- or the Sophie before, never even had the thought of using one. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'll go down now." She said as she gathered her things.

"Can I come in?" Edaline said as Sophie nodded. Edaline opened one of her drawers and pulled out a luxurious looking bottle which was placed in between her stuff.

She handed it over to Sophie as she was studying the way the Panake blossoms were floating inside. She took it and carefully handled it, afraid of breaking it.

"This was the perfume Dex gave you before. As you can see, it's still full but it's not that you didn't use it. You just rarely use it because you're always... late." Edaline said with a soft laugh.

Sophie blushed at the thought of being always late, but decided to disregard that fact and sprayed a little bit on her wrists.

The aroma filled her room immediately, and in a second, she realized the familiar scent. "This smells like the flowers on that tree outside." Sophie whispered.

"That's right. Dex figured you miss Calla so even if her tree is just right there, he made it into a perfume so that you'll smell her scent and feel like you're always with her."

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