Chapter 2

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Biana insisted on dressing Sophie up for dinner. Well, that includes a makeover which Sophie can't really run away from.

The Vackers do everything in a high class manner, and it seems like dinners were no exception.

"Hey," Biana started. "About earlier..."

Sophie knew what she wanted to ask. It's definitely about her matchmaking scroll, and she more or less wants to talk about it.

"I'm not really trying to keep it as a secret," she admitted. "It was Grady who asked for it, saying something in the lines of checking out if the guy's really worthy or something."

"That sounds just like him," Biana said as she was applying powder to Sophie's face.

"Anyways, it's true that I got it from Councilor Oralie, but she did deliver it to Havenfield. I guess I kinda panicked when I found out Keefe knew about it, but yeah."

She looked a little fidgety, her eyes looking all over the place. "After that, we opened it, and... can you keep a secret?"

"Is this about the content?" Biana's eyes lit up at the hint of girl talk. Sophie was never a fan of it, even dressing up and make overs, but she's kinda okay it if it's a talk with Biana.

"Umm, I guess you could say that?" She replied, quite unsure. "So anyways, let me ask you a question first. Do elves really not celebrate April Fools?"

"Except for us guys, then no. Why?"

"I feel like the Councilors has just given me the best- or should I say worst? Early April Fools."

Biana stopped tending to her for a while, thinkinf of the right question. "Why? Is your number one someone you don't know?"

"Worse. I got 2 people tied for number one."

"I- wait. Is that even possible?" Biana dropped the comb from her hands, leaving a soft thumping sound as it fell on her carpet.

"Honestly? I don't know either." Sophie shook her head as she relieved the memory. "Edaline had that smile of hers rhe whole time, which... I don't know what it meant, but I don't like it. Besides, I don't know why'd they give me two number one's, but... it'll be harder to assess my feelings." The last part was barely audible, Biana had to ask her what it was and told her it was nothing.

"Okay you're done!" Sophie stood up and looked at the mirror. Biana lent her a dress, which to her surprise was not fancy as in Biana's definition of fancy, and she liked it.

Her hair was let down and curled in a simple way, which actually makes her look a little more mature.

"Biana, this is so amazing!" She said as she kept looking at the girl in the mirror. She twirled around, feeling the cloth wrapped around her skin.

"Glad you liked it! It's my time now," Biana declared as she went to rummage through her closet.

After a few minutes, Biana walked out of her closet and Sophie expected nothing less from her.

"What do you think?" She asked as she twirled. Sophie held out the universal "OK" hand gesture and said "Perfect."

They went out of the room together and went downstairs. Before reaching the dining area, Sophie took the chance to whisper something to Biana. "Umm, Bi. About what we were talking about..."

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now