Chapter 44

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A/N: Last remaining chapters, everyone 🥰


"Dex! Can't you make the screen look clearer?" Fitz shouted after the explosion.

The screen was covered with smoke and debris that it was impossible to see.

They heard someone click their tongue as the smoke started to clear up. The image was still not that clear, but they all knew what they're seeing.

"A force field?" Linh said. Dex squinted his eyes and confirmed their suspicion "Yes, it's a forcefield."

"Are you okay?" the guy asked Sophie as he unsheated his sword. Sophie gave a slight nod before facing to the direction of the laughing Gisela.

"Oh, Sophie Foster. It was nice to see you in this world. Though, I'm quite sad to see you on the same day that you'll die." She snickered as Brant and Fintan held a ball of everblaze in each of their hands.

"Sophie isn't prepared to contain Everblaze!" Biana shouted, slamming her hands in the table.

They all paled at the realization, but their eyes had no choice but to watch the fight.

"Hello, my dear Arthur. Do you mind dropping your sword and act right now?" Gisela said, pointing to the guy's unsheathed sword.

He did as he was asked, but instead of placing his sword back, he used it to slash the Neverseen members behind them.

"WHAT?" Gisela exclaimed. Arthur laughed at her as he pointed his sword at her throat "Who said I was acting?"

Gisela's face immediately paled at the statement. Fintan tried to burn Arthur off, but Sophie already placed a barrier around him.

"So, Foster's a psionipath now." Keefe whispered, as he kept his hands close into a fist- feeling helpless as he was watching the battle.

"A barrier? How?!" Fintan reacted violently. He kept throwing balls of fire their way, but it was to no use.

"You-!" Gisala accusingly pointed a finger at Sophie. "You manifested yet another ability!"

Sophie gave them her sweetest smile before replying "Correction. I manifested yet another abilities."

"ABILITIES?!" they all (except Fitz) shouted at the same time. They looked at each other, shrugging, and their eyes landed on Fitz.

He only flashed his hollywood smile at them as he shrugged. "I officially hate cognates." Tam said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Fitz gave them a death glare before his eyes landed on the spyball again.

Sophie enveloped Brant and Fintan in an orb of water. Linh was amazed by how she perfectly handled the water.

"Shit!" Brant said as he was caught. As Sophie was battling with them, Arthur was fending off the the remaining Neverseen members using some gadgets, which they believed Sophie handed to him before.

It created small explosions just enough to knock them out. Sophie successfully drowned the two without killing them and placed them carefully next to the other knocked out Neverseen members.

She then confidently walked over to Gisela who stayed still in her place. "You little bitch! When did you manifest all of these?!" she said, trying to fight off the effects of Sophie's mesmerising ability.

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