Chapter 33

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A/N: It's been so long and I have forgotten to say this... THANK YOU FOR THE 1K READS AND COUNTING, READERS!! I don't really know what to feel about that :')

And then, if I estimated it right, this story will not last for more than 45 chapters, so we're near the countdown to the end.

I would still like for your continuous support, and if you could spare a minute to suggest this story (it's not worth the suggestion but there's nothing to lose either way) then I'd really appreciate it.

Here you go!!


The sleepover at Everglen this time was very eventful, and nothing bad happened. They bonded over movies, games (a lot of basequests and truth or dares) and most of all, food.

There were also instances of some makeovers (due to some dares or just according to Biana's whims) and for one day, they all don't look like themselves.

Three days just passed by and they all went home to their respective places. Sophie directly went to her room and fix her things.

Her parents are coming home tonight, but she's hungry and she can't exactly cook to save her life, so she just decided to go to Atlantis and buy some take home foods.

On her way, a certain shop caught her eye. It was the store Biana once dragged her into, buying the dresses she used for the competition last Valentines.

She entered the store and was immediately greeted by a cheerful lady. "Hello, miss!" she said, doing a little bow. Sophie smiled at her and walked around.

She really didn't know why she looked inside, but it wouldn't hurt her to buy something, right?

After several looks, a simple white dress got her attention. It was a long, white, spaghetti strapped dress topped with yet another transparent sleeveless layer, lined with embroidered circles. A belt was also included in the set as a complementary item.

Sophie tried it on and immediately liked it on herself. She paid for it and asked it to be delivered to Havenfield. She went out to buy food- her real purpose for coming to Atlantis, and leaped home.


When she reached home, she noticed that there were 2 boxes waiting in front of her house.

One was the clothes she asked to be delivered, while the other one where her school resources for levels 7 and 8.

She brought everything up into her room and placed them on their respective storages.

She had some time on her hands, so she decided to flip through some pages of the books for level 7 while eating her lunch on her desk.

Some time ended up the whole day, and she only realized it the moment her parents came home.

She rushed down and greeted them with a hug. "How was the sleepover?" Edaline asked, hugging her back.

"It was great! We played a lot and ate a lot. Oh, and I felt like we all had gotten closer too!" Sophie excitedly exclaimed, making hand gestures with every story she says.

Edaline let out a soft laugh and told her "That's good. Now, I believe you and Grady will have a talk...?" She said, looking over her husband who was looking displeased.

Uh-oh, I kinda forgot about that. Sophie thought, her panic levels rising.

Sophie nodded and Edaline let the two of them have their talk- alone, in the living room. They sat there for quite a while, neither of them speaking.

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