Chapter 16

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A/N: I updated Chapter 15 with a little more than 300 and now I have 400 reads uwu I can't be more thankful !!!


Sophie pulled out her uniform and level 4 cape from her bag, changing into it as she was the last one to prepare among the girls.

She sprayed some of the Panake perfume and combed her hair. She wore the necklace Keefe gave her, together with her fade fuel and the rings that goes in with her fingers.

She felt that something was missing so she went out from the bathroom to ask. "Guys, I know this is weird to ask but I feel like aside from these accessories, I'm still wearing something else?"

She saw that Keefe and Fitz were already dressed up and Tam was missing- probably the one taking the shower in Fitz's room.

They looked at her, thinking of what she was trying to say. "Another necklace?" Dex guessed.

"No? I don't think I left someting back home." She said, putting her hands on her side. She stepped out of the bathroom to fully show them her appearance, hoping they'd finally get the answer.

"Oh!" Fitz suddenly said. "It must be your gloves." Everyone except Sophie had felt that something clicked inside of their brain after Fitz's statement.

"I wear gloves?" She asked, both shocked curious as to why she'd use it as an everyday look.

"More like you need to than you want to, but you kinda got used to it, so it doesn't bother you that much anymore." Fitz explained. "It's for your enhancing ability. When you touch someone, you enhance their ability."

"Huh." Sophie looked at her hands and nothing comes back to mind. "I never enhanced anyone recently though?" She said while picking up her bag and fixing her things.

"I guess it'd come back to you bit by bit, just like when you first manifested a certain ability." Dex said, which Sophie thought actually made sense.

"So by now, I'm a Telepath and Polyglot because I've long had those abilities?" Sophie ask to further understand Dex's explanation and he nodded.

"Hmm, okay. I'll enjoy the days without gloves then." She smiled and went back to fixing her things.

"Oh, that's right." Sophie whispered to herself. She brought out her schedule and saw that her sessions today include Elvin History and Inflicting.

"Do you guys mind describing where my Elvin History and Inflicting session is? Sandor isn't with me right now so..." she shyly said, looking at four of them.

"I can go with you for Elvin History since my Vanishing session is just near yours, but your Inflicting session is at the silver towers, I can't accompany you there." Biana said, showing out a small frown.

"Oh, it's fine. I guess I'll... walk around?" She said, trying to convince herself that she'll find the room one way or another.

"We can probably help you find it, me and Keefe are studying there after all." Fitz said, and Keefe looked at him like 'are you stupid you could've had alone time with her!' but he didn't mind it.

Sophie took a long time before realizing that those two are really studying at the silver tower. "That's right! You're both level 8 already! I'm sorry I forgot you were older." She nervously laughed. "Anyways, I thought you were supposed to stay in the silver towers all the time?" she asked them both, raising an eyebrow.

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