Chapter 39

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A/N: Before I start this chapter, lemme just go ahead and say... HAPPY KEEFE SENCEN APPRECIATION DAY!! 🥳

It's the day of our favorite empath, and the last day of my finals!! I'm so happy aaaaaaa I'm finally free from all the miseries!

Anyways, since it is our (and Sophie's) beloved Keefester's day, and the last day of my struggles, I will be uploading 2 chapters today (YAYYYY) so yes, enjoy!!

Last remaining chapters, everyone 🥰


Exactly 2 hours after everyone fell asleep, they stirred from their spot and slowly opened their eyes.

Biana, the first to sleep, just woke up and rubbed her eyes, trying to adjust from the darkness.

She looked out the window and realized that it was still nighttime, and not a lot of time has passed since she slept.

Her eyes wandered to her sleeping friends, where she noticed that Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe are nowhere to be seen.

"Linh, wake up." She whispered as she tapped Linh softly.

The girl opened her eyes, as she lazily woke up and asked "What's wrong?" which kinda sounded like "wush wong?"

"Fitz and Sophie are not here, and so is Keefe." Biana whispered back as she made unsuccessful attempts in waking the other boys.

Linh snapped her fingers and a blob of water splashed them in the face.

"W-wh-what?" Dex said, sitting up instantly. Tam was slower to wake up, as he's pretty much immune over this way of waking up.

"Fitz and Sophie are not here, and so is Keefe." Biana whispered again. They both looked around, only realizing Biana's words when their eyes have adjusted to the light.

In a few seconds, the door slammed open with a yawning Keefe standing by the doorframe. "Is Foster here?" He asked, yawning again.

"No, and so is Fitz." Linh answered. "You weren't here as well." She added, slowly standing up.

The rest of them stood as well, while Biana was on her way to turn on the lights.

"Mmhm, well Foster said you were all asleep earlier, and we just kind of slept at Fitz room, but when I woke up she wasn't there." Keefe said, scratching the back of his head.

All four of them shared a puzzled look, probably thinking of the same thing.

Tam cleared his throat and said "Sophie was the first one to sleep, though."

It was Keefe's turn to look confused, but he already thought of how to get the answers.

"We're finding Fitzy." he said as he made his way downstairs. The rest of the group followed him, also looking for answers.

There he was, at the living room, mindlessly reading a book with a hot beverage in front of him.

Before they could talk, he closed the book and turned to their direction.

"You're all finally awake. We've been waiting for you," he said as he tried to give them his usual smile, but kinda failing.

"Where's Sophie?" Dex asked, looking for any traces that Sophie was with him.

He shook his head and simply said "Shouldn't you be more afraid of our April Fools? We told you, it's not over until it's midnight." He said, pointing to the clock which showed 11:30pm.

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now