Stressed (Uldren Sov X Reader)

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So this is a mini-imagine, not like a full one. I made since I'm like super stressed and things. The only warnings are just like crying and stuff.
Words: 695 words
The world was mean. It was cruel. It just wanted to drag you down.

You sighed angrily, sitting down. You rubbed your eyes. You were so anger and stressed that you were about to cry.

Screaming in anger, you started to wreck your apartment in the Tower. Things were pulled from the walls, thrown off of their surfaces. You just had to get all of your anger out.

After you wrecked your apartment, you slid down the wall and started to cry.

"Love?" Someone knocked on the door of your apartment. You quickly realized it was Uldren, your boyfriend.

You covered your mouth, trying to hide your cries. You didn't want him to see you like this, you didn't want Uldren to see the mighty famous Guardian (Y/N) have a mental break down.

"I know you're in here, either you open the door or I break it down," Uldren said, his voice stern and serious, but somehow warm and comforting.

You quickly got up to make sure Uldren couldn't get in, but you were too slow. Uldren had barged in and once he saw the wreck of your once organized apartment, he knew you needed him.

Looking at you, Uldren saw the tears rushing down your shameful face. You felt ashamed that Uldren, a ex prince, had to see you and your apartment like this. He'd probably break up with you-

"Oh love, what happened?" Uldren asked, pulling you in a tight, warm hug.

You tried to say anything, but nothing came out. It was like your anger had control over all of you. So in turn, you just caved into his touch, wanting more of his warmth and security.

Uldren noticed this action, so he just hugged you tighter and began to run his fingers through your hair.

Maybe the world wasn't so bad. It was mean sometimes, yes, but with the right people, its filled with love, laughter, and beauty.

Uldren began to hum to you, just a simple song that he had heard the people of the Last City sing. Saint had taken the Awoken for a stroll within the city, to show him what Guardians were protecting. Despite everyone else telling you and Saint to stay away from him, you two just got closer.

So, Uldren knew he had to help you now. You helped him countless times so this is his way of repaying you. He thought of you as a mirror, beautiful, but broken. As if someone had thrown rock after rock.

No matter how many times people kept throwing rocks at you, Uldren would be there to pick up the pieces.

"I'm...sorry," you whimpered, clutching Uldren's shirt tightly.

"Why are you sorry, love? You have no reason to be. You were bound to break down," Uldren comforted.

"Thank you.." You mumbled, fighting the urge to fall asleep from your outbreak.

Uldren noticed, picking you up and carried you to your room, the one place that you had not wrecked.

Placing you under the covers, he noticed that you had fallen asleep. Seeing your soft figure look so peaceful made Uldren smile.

Standing up, he went back out to your wrecked apartment and started to clean. Uldren didn't care how long this took, he wanted to do something nice for you.

After about an hour of cleaning, he got everything done. Smiling at his work, Uldren made his way back into your room to check on you.

You were still asleep, peacefully dreaming of a future with you and Uldren.

Uldren leaned down and kissed your forehead, "Sweet dreams, my queen."

As he went to leave, you immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him into your bed. You cuddled into his warmth, wanting nothing more than to stay like this forever.

Uldren chuckled quietly at you, running his fingers through your hair. As he started to hum to you, he started to feel sleepy.

"Goodnight," Uldren mumbled before falling asleep with you in his arms.

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