[7] Hickey?

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You were taking the measurements for the team's away uniforms, since they were likely to need them for Nationals. When you came with a measuring tape around your neck and asked the boys to line up before you, Kawanishi and Goshiki were the first to run to you, fighting over who to be measured first.

"Go away, I was here first!" Kawanishi scolded.

Goshiki argued, "No way! I'm getting (L/n)-san's first touch."

"You're both so immature," Yamagata sighed.

You blinked at them, and simply decided, "I'll start with Shirabu."

Soon enough, you managed to get everyone's measurements except for one last person – the captain. By then, most of the team had left for dinner, and Semi, Tendou and Ohira went to grab their things from the clubroom, which left you alone with Ushijima.

"Let's do this quick. I'm starving," you said.

"Why are you always hungry?" he asked.

"Shut up!"

You stood up on the bench to reach his height, pulling the tape to first measure his broad shoulders from the back. As you did, you couldn't help but notice his amazing posture. He was extremely well built, buff but not to a point that it was scary.

His body was just amazing and your perverted ass couldn't help but wonder how it looked underneath his shirt.


As you measured, however, you were horrified to find a purplish bruise by the side of his neck. No way.

"Is that a hickey?" you exclaimed. Who on earth would give this boy a hickey? You wondered, but a little lustful voice inside you responded, who wouldn't?

Ushijima narrowed his brows before turning to face you, "What?"

You cleared your throat, "H-how did you get that?"

Ushijima touched the bruise and answered, "Tendou accidentally hit me with a metal pipe."


You fell silent, as did he, until of course he broke it, "What's a hickey?"

Oh shit.

You began measuring his sleeves. "Nothing," you answered.

He glared at you, "Tell me. If not, I would have to ask Tendou."

"NO!" you exclaimed, before calming yourself down, "I-I'll tell you." You chose your words correctly, "It's a type of bruise?"

He eyed you suspiciously, "How is it different from a normal bruise?"

"It's, um, caused by humans?" you said.

He asked, "So is this a hickey?"

"No. It's um, caused by a pipe so no."

"Ah I understand."

You gulped, knowing fairly well you answered poorly. You continued, "Just to be safe maybe, don't use the word?"

"It's okay. I like learning new words," he answered. You didn't know what to say to that.

You began measuring the front of his shirt, but he was moving annoyingly, so you placed your hands on his shoulders and said, "Don't move you brat."

As you did, your eyes pierced his, causing both of you to have some kind of trouble breathing. You were already flustered by the previous conversation after all. As for Ushijima, he didn't like it when you were this close to him. For some reason, he found it difficult to breath properly and he could feel his heart rate rising. He didn't like this feeling at all, but upon close contact, he couldn't help but notice just how beautiful your eyes were.

He snapped out of it, kicking himself internally. He had to go back to being the stoic captain. He told you, "If you continue being rude to me, I might just give you a hickey."

And you froze.

And to make matters worse, the three third year students who had gone to the clubroom just entered the gym and overheard the wrong things.

Tendou laughed hysterically, Ohira's face crinkled and Semi was the one to ask, "Are we interrupting something?"

Tendou asked, "Wakatoshi, do you even know what that word means?"

"(L/n)-san explained it. It's a bruise caused by humans."

"What an awful explanation," Ohira said.

"I-It's not like I lied or anything!"

"I'm more curious on how it even came up in this conversation," Tendou said.

Ushijima explained, "(L/n)-san asked if this was a hickey." He pointed to his bruise, which made the three boys laugh hysterically. They were all there during the Tendou pipe incident, which caused the bruise.

"You are quite the pervert, (L/n)-san," Semi said, raising a brow at you.

"What is a hickey?" Ushijima questioned, knowing he probably was not told a correct answer. Ohira grabbed him and softly explained what it meant, which caused Ushijima's eyes to widen and his expression to change. You could pick up the slightest hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"I apologize," he told you, "I don't ever want to give you a hickey."

"How reassuring," you replied monotonously.

"Now, come, come, let's get dinner," Tendou called, to which everyone nodded, but you stayed back reluctantly.

"You too, (L/n)-san," Ohira said, smiling at you.

"I-I um, but I'm not part of the team. Not yet, at least."

"You don't have to be a teammate to sit with us. Now come on!" Semi encouraged.

You were still hesitant, until the stoic boy broke the silence. "Please, (L/n)-san. Have dinner with us."

All of you were shocked by his words. You blinked, unable to comprehend that the stoic, heartless captain could say such a thing. You were almost moved to tears, when he continued, "Please do not cry."

You scolded back, "I'm not crying!"

You followed them to dinner that time, happily tailing the four seniors to the dining hall. On the way there, Ushijima's curiosity got to him.

"I don't understand. How do you kiss someone so hard it bruises?"

You rolled your eyes, "Want me to show you?"

The three other boys stopped in their tracks, completely frozen and jaw dropped by your words.

You grunted, "You perverts, I meant on my own arm. Ugh, never mind."

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