[25] Back in Action

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Summer break ended in a blink of an eye, and you found yourself back in school. Luckily for you, the school building was big enough that it was pretty unlikely that you would run into Ushijima during school hours.

All you had to worry about was practice, but as long as you left as soon as it ends, you would only have to endure seeing his face for a few hours, and since most of those hours are spent with him playing, there would be less interaction between you two.

You likely had to avoid team dinners as well, and you wondered what kind of excuse you could give the team if they questioned your disappearance. After all, you had promised to eat with them every day.

As you sat in silence during free period, doodling in class, you heard sudden whispers from all across your classroom. A hand tapped your shoulder, "(L/n)-san."

You turned to find your classmate, looking down at you. He pointed towards the outside of the class and said, "A senior is looking for you."

You furrowed your brows in curiosity and took a peek outside the door to find the very person you were trying to avoid. Your face turned pale in embarrassment.

"Fucking hell," you murmured.

You turned back to your desk, eyes glued as you said, "Can you tell him I'm not here?"

Your classmate replied, "Well, he's looking at you right now, so no."

You grunted. "Damn it." You took a book and covered the side of your face that was facing the door, as if it would turn you invisible. "What about now?"

"Uh," your classmate said, completely baffled by your response. But Ushijima was no longer patient, and hence he stepped into your class and stood right next to your table before telling you, "I can still see you."

You only clenched the book harder upon hearing his voice, bringing the book closer to your face to hide yourself. By then Ushijima had motioned to your classmate to leave, which he abided. Ushijima only glared at you judgingly before grasping your hand and pulling you out.

"Hey!" Once you reached the outside of the class, you crossed your arms, "This is bullying!"

"You are acting like a child," he told you.

You replied, "Well, arguably, I may as well still be one."

"You did not attend any practices over summer break. Why?"

"Uh, it was not compulsory."

"It is never compulsory for you, but that hasn't stopped you before."

You shrugged, "Maybe I'm avoiding something?"

He glared at you. "I need to make sure you will still attend practices from now. Spring High is coming soon and we need your help."

"Yes, I'll still go. Don't worry about me."

"I am just concerned that you are still embarrassed about the ki—"

"AHHH!" you cut him before he could finish. "That never happened so shut up!"

"But it did happen. Even if we choose not to talk about it, the fact still remains."

"You mean I choose not to talk about it. You're doing a terrible job."

"I apologize. I just want to make sure we are all good."

Of course we're not! You broke my heart you dumbass, was what you wanted to say. But you held your tongue. "Don't worry. I can be professional when I have to. As long as we never speak of it again, I will pretend like everything is fine."

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