[19] Watch Me

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You finally met up with Sakusa the next day.

You were walking around the halls to refill water for your teammates when you heard a few people talking about your friend.

"That's Sakusa Kiyoomi."

"He's really intimidating."

"He really seems unapproachable."

But alas, not to you. You spotted him walking by and you immediately exclaimed, "Kiyoomi-kun~!" He jumped a little in surprise but calmly turned to greet you.

"(Y/n)," he simply said.

You scolded him, "Why can't you reply to my texts? It's not that hard!"

"I am giving you a taste of your own medicine, from when you neglected me." That hit you hard, recalling the times when you cut contact with him after your incident at Hanawari.

You glared at him. "Fine." You unzipped your bag while telling him, "I brought you something."

He furrowed his brows at you, but soon you revealed 4 small bottles of hand sanitizer of his favorite brand. His eyes glowed a little, undoubtedly excited by your gift. You passed it to him, "I know how much you like these."

"Thank you, (y/n). You know me well," he stated.

"(L/n)-san!" Komori greeted you from behind Sakusa.

You smiled at him, "Oh, Komori-san. Hello!"

Sakusa gave one bottle to Komori and said, "Ask all the members to sanitize. It would make me less anxious around them."

Komori's eyes widened at the sight of the small sanitizer, but took it nonetheless. "You should learn to be more accepting of your members, Sakusa-san."

"I will be if they sanitize."

You laughed, amused by the situation. Komori told Sakusa, "The Inarizaki match is starting. Let's go."

Your attention was taken too. "Inarizaki?"

Komori nodded, "They're one of our strongest competitors. They're in court A if you want to take a look."

You smiled, "I think I will, but I need to find my own team first. See you guys!"


You found your team cooling down after having won their second match of the tournament. As you walked in, you passed the bottles you had just refilled to Goshiki, Shirabu and Ohira who had requested for you to help them, and you gladly abided. The rest of them were just talking, some wondering about what they craved for lunch.

Once they were done, you suggested, "Hey guys, let's check out Inarizaki High!"

Ushijima was fuming, and Tendou gave him a look that asked him to calm down, which he did eventually.

"Inarizaki?" Goshiki asked, unfamiliar with the school. This was his first national tournament after all.

Shirabu commented, "They've got good plays. I wouldn't mind."

You smiled.

Semi raised a brow in curiosity though, "You seem excited, (l/n). Why is that?"

"Oh, um," you said, scratching the back of your neck, "I just made a friend there. I want to see him play."

"Friend?" Yamagata asked rather conspicuously.

You nodded, "Yes, friend. Now come on! The match has already started." Eventually, you, Kawanishi, Shirabu and Goshiki headed off first, leaving the third years behind. They wanted to check on their captain's state.

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