[15] Reverse

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At dinner, the team couldn't be more than happy to welcome you. The first act of order, they made you promise to have dinner with them every single night, no exceptions.

In between the talks, you suddenly receive an unexpected phone call. "Excuse me guys, I have to take this." Like that you left the table, going to a quieter place.

As you did, all eyes immediately went to Ushijima, eyeing him teasingly. He was just about to take another bite of food when he noticed all his teammates smirking at him. He furrowed his brows in response, "What?"

"So, when are you going to confess to her?" Ohira teased.

"Confess what?" he asked.

Tendou poked him, "Well, your undying love for her, of course!"

Ushijima denied, "I don't have an undying love for her."

"Yea, sure," Shirabu said sarcastically.

"I've never seen you express so much emotion," Yamagata responded.

Ushijima argued, "I was only trying to convince her. I do not have feelings."

Semi teased, "Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I ask her out then? I mean she is crazy hot."

Ushijima's fist clenched and he immediately scolded, "You are not allowed to do so." The team smirked at him knowingly, but he cleared his throat and continued, "It is unprofessional."

"Stop making up excuses, Wakatoshi," Ohira smiled.

"We know you have a crush on her!" Yamagata said.

"Who has a crush on who?" you asked once you came back, managing to only catch that last line.

"Semi-san," Ushijima replied hastily, "On his classmate."

You smiled, "Wow, Semi, so when are you going to confess?"

Semi almost retorted, "I don't have a crush, it's U–ow!" Ushijima stepped on his foot to prevent him from saying any further, then gave him a pleading look.

Semi clicked his tongue, "I mean, it's fine. She would probably reject me anyway."

You shrugged, "Well, you never know. It might be a hit or miss, but if you manage to hit it, you might just experience happiness you would have never thought possible."

"Do you have a crush on someone, (y/n)-san?" Tendou asked, resting his head on his palm.

Your eyes widened, "No! I-I mean, well yeah, no."

Ushijima's heart sank, but he was also quite relieved that you didn't crush on anyone else either.

"Why not then? You've been here for almost 2 months already. It's hard to believe you haven't had your eye on anyone," Tendou said.

You shrugged, "Guess I'm still waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet."

Goshiki and Kawanishi coughed rather suspiciously, which made Ushijima panic just a little. He glared at them to knock it off.

"So, what's your type?" Semi asked, smiling.

You narrowed your brows, "I don't think I really have one, but if I'm being honest, I've always been attracted to really good volleyball players."

"So we're all your type!" Tendou exclaimed excitedly.

You laughed, "I guess so."

"There's hope," Ohira whispered to Ushijima, who pretended as though he didn't hear anything. He was already trying to fight a blush, and as of now, he just wanted to leave right away.

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