[17] Haunting Past

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You were rummaging through your bag as you tried yet again to look for your notebook. It was already too late when you noticed it was gone, which meant you had to forgo keeping tabs physically as you watched Shiratorizawa play their first match. You only kept mental notes, trying your hardest not to forget them.

The match was rather quick. You had been matched with a solid team, but their blocking game was rather weak, which meant the cannon shots by your ace easily raked up points, and quickly too. You only had to play two sets.

"Now, you may go have lunch and watch the others," Washijo told them.

Goshiki said, "I want to watch Itachiyama!"

"They're not playing today. They got a pass because they got into the best four last Spring High," Shirabu said, which made Goshiki grunt.

With the mention of Itachiyama, you made a mental note to meet Sakusa. You had texted him before, telling him you were coming, and his response was just a monotonous, "ok."

"Let's watch Fukurodani," Semi told Ohira, who nodded in agreement.

As the rest seemed to leave, you asked Ushijima, who was just taking his own sips of water, "Aren't you going to watch anyone?"

He shrugged, "I will soon. What about you?"

You bit your lip and finally told him, "I'm kind of curious about Inarizaki High."

He eyed you curiously. "Why?"

"I um, met one of their members in the elevator just now. He said they're good. Do you know anything about them?" you asked.

He felt tense hearing you had not only met someone else but that whomever that was, he managed to strike your curiosity to want to watch him play. He answered, "They were in the top 4 last year. Like Itachiyama."

You gasped. You didn't expect them to be that good, after all, never having heard of them before. You were getting even more impressed by them. But his words struck you – it meant they were not playing today. That was probably why the boy you met was quite relaxed, taking his own sweet time. You wondered if he would be here at all.

"Who did you meet?" Ushijima asked.

You replied, "I don't know. I didn't ask for his name."

Ushijima nodded. "I am going to get more water. Please look after my stuff." He went away and in that split second, you were confronted by your past.

"(L/n)(y/n)?" a familiar voice called you. This time, it wasn't a deep voice of a male like always – it was a voice that haunted your dreams just a tad bit, one that was a high pitched female voice.

God damn it. You knew this was coming. You were going to Nationals after all, and they were too. It was inevitable you would meet them, but even after thinking it through, you still didn't know how to react.

"Suzuki-chan," you turned, smiling at who could have been your captain if you stayed in Hanawari. Suzuki Aiko was a good volleyball player and had all the right physique. She was tall, athletic and had a strong passion for volleyball, but only recently she had managed to get her regular spot back. Last year, she was replaced by a prodigy first year player – you – and up till today, she still held a grudge against you for that.

"Even a lifelong injury can't prevent you from coming to the court huh?" she asked, crossing her arms. "How desperate are you?"

You clenched your fists. "It's not desperation. It's passion."

She chuckled darkly. "So, where are you now? Must be some shit place after a bad record of expulsion."

You laughed, "Lucky me, I'm in Shiratorizawa now."

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