[14] Last Practice

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With every subsequent practice match, you managed to strategize and give your input to both the coaches and the team. You were also amazing at giving proper motivation to the members. Through practices and such, the bond between you and all the team members grew stronger than ever.

For the final practice match, you didn't handle any administrative stuff, as you were rather still struggling with your crutches. On top of that, you skipped out on a few dinners to study hence you didn't know what the last school you were fighting before nationals was.

Until the match day arrived. You were glad to be able to walk properly by then.

In the morning, you entered the gym with a large box as you greeted a good morning to everyone. Although they greeted you back, you noticed a slight difference in the tone, which gave away the mental state of the team – they were nervous.

"Ah, about time," Tendou commented upon your arrival. "Our uniforms are finally here!"

You smiled, "Yes."

The sound of that made everyone just a tad bit excited, which helped boost team morale. You placed the box on the bench while the team gathered excitedly.

"Ah, you all will look great in these!" you said, as you began to distribute the t-shirts. There was a boost in their confidence, and as you distributed, they immediately began stripping and wearing them to test out the size. Although, you were completely unaware of it, that is, until when you called the captain, he approached you, already shirtless.

Oh. My. Lord.

When you looked over at the sight of a shirtless Ushijima, your breath hitched as blood rushed to your cheeks. You had always known he had a fit body: it was obvious, but knowing it and seeing it live before you were completely different. His body was god given, heaven sent. For a moment, you blanked out completely just looking at him, admiring his beauty.

"It's rude to stare," Ushijima simply remarked, which made you awake from your daydream. You felt like kicking yourself for being so obvious.

"I wasn't!" you denied, completely turning away from him, feeling flustered.

Ohira shook his head, "You were completely gawking over him."

"You looked like someone who hadn't eaten for days," Yamagata said.

Goshiki dramatically sighed as he patted Kawanishi's shoulder, "Guess we no longer have hope, comrade."

"You never had hope," Shirabu replied.

Both Goshiki and Kawanishi shouted, "Shut up, Shirabu!"

"Aww, looks like our manager is getting flustered," Tendou stated, laughing amusingly.

You were frozen in absolute embarrassment.

"Come, let's warm up," Ushijima said after putting on his shirt, coolly walking away from the scene. The slightest hint of a smile appeared on Ushijima's face as he left. For some reason, he suddenly felt boosted to play.


You gathered the practice jerseys and soon enough a team of new boys entered the hall. You didn't pay much attention to them, but your team greeted them quite well. As you prepared drinks and towels for both teams, a familiar voice called your name.


You froze. The voice was calm, slightly deep and muffled behind a mask. You knew that voice too well. You had known the boy since middle school after all.

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