A/N + Survey!

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< please read and don't let this flop ;_; >

hi everyone!

i'm going to be pretty busy these next few months, so i'd like to apologize if i don't update as much as i used to :(

i think i used to update like twice a week because i was truly jobless, but now i've got deadlines, volunteering and an internship lined up these next three months before i start uni in sept! (srsly questioning why i agreed to so much work)

but anyway, i won't leave you guys hanging! in fact, since we're all in this together, i'd love to know more about you all, so i set out a series of questions down below, which i've answered too! please answer by commenting on them!

(note: you don't have to answer everything, only what you're comfortable with!)

consider this a survey for me. i mean, i'm writing your character after all, so it only seems right for me to know what i'm working with HAHA

so let's go!

1. what's your name?
my real name is longer, but everyone calls me indie!

2. how old are you?
turning 19 in september AHHH i feel old ಥ_ಥ

3. where are you from?
tiny ass country but hey, we got some pretty good food!

4. how tall are you?
i'm 5'3 which is short in some countries??? but it's kinda average where i'm from – i mean, i was a school rep for high jump & basketball with that height (or maybe i'm like hinata and can flyyy)

5. hobbies and interests?
obviously i write LOL
and i did track & field in school when i wasn't running student council duties. anyway, now i'm just a couch potato who can barely climb a flight of stairs oml what happened..

and now for the fun stuff: Haikyuu related questions!
** sorry for the thirst, i'm so deprived

6. who was your first haikyuu crush?
either noya or dadchi, can't seem to recall

7. who's your favourite ship?
bokuaka forever!!! i've legit cried over them ngl

8. what school would you go to?
bc toshi will keep bothering me if i go anywhere else! ><

9. which team would you manage?
nekoma, so i can drag kuroo into the nearest supply closet and f— er i mean, they're pretty cool.

10. who do you want as your parents?
daisuga please ;_;

11. who's your girl crush?
i cannot stress enough how gay i am for mika-chan ~(˘▾˘~)

12. who in haikyuu most suits your real life personality?
i'm noya with my friends, yachi with my crush, sakusa with strangers and saltyshima with my enemies

13. who do you think needs more love?
kawanishi taichi & konoha akinori & kuguri naoyasu – god i want to sit on their faces

14. you can spend the night with 3 haikyuu characters. who would it be?
i'd lick iwaizumi's arms, let kuroo choke me with his thighs and beg terushima to ruin me with his tongue

15. which position would you play in volleyball?
SETTER! SETTERS ARE THE COOLEST AND MOST DOMINANT ROLE!!! lmao jk my lazy ass just wants to be like kenma and not move so much

anywayy, really looking forward to reading your answers!

and once again, thank you so much for all your support! I LOVE YOU ALL!

with love,
indie ♥

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