[18] Confidence

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"Excuse me," you asked the brunette boy in an Itachiyama jersey. You recalled him being the libero, and if you were not mistaken his name was Komori.

Komori looked surprised to see you but gave you a warm smile anyway. He pretty much already knew what you would be asking, "Oh, are you looking for Sakusa-san?"

You nodded, to which he replied, "I'm not sure where he is, but he's probably avoiding the main arena. You know how he feels about crowds."

You shook your head, "He hasn't changed one bit. Well, thank you. If you do find him, tell him I was looking for him. And tell him to reply to my texts."

Komori laughed, "No worries."

You sighed but left him. As you turned into the door to enter the arena, you unfortunately bumped into someone causing a slight pain in your shoulder, despite the person feeling completely unaffected. "Sorry," you said before looking up to see a familiar face.

It was the boy you met in the elevator, but he didn't have that mischievous grin on his face anymore. His eyes were calmer and he seemed more stoic. You noticed he was wearing a cap too.

You smiled at him, "Hey!"

He looked at you rather confusedly. "Do I know you?"

You were completely baffled by his response. It was quite insulting how unmemorable he made you seem, despite meeting just hours ago. "From the elevator?" you hinted, but he still looked confused.

"You're from Inarizaki High right?" you asked, to which he nodded. He concluded that perhaps you were one of his fangirls. You decided to give up and just introduce yourself to him.

"I'm (l/n)(y/n). I didn't get your name."

This took him by shock, as it meant you weren't his fangirl after all. He wondered who you were, but decided to give his name first. "Miya Osamu."

You looked at him rather puzzled. He was completely different from when you had met him in the elevator. He was not flirty or outgoing as you remembered, but rather reserved and calm. You decided to ask him, "Do you have a split personality or something?"

He raised a brow, somewhat offended and confused. That is, until an angry voice emerged from behind him, "Oi 'Samu, back off! I have dibs!"

You were completely dumbfounded. It was the boy from the elevator, again. There were two of them. "T-there are two of you?" you asked.

Osamu responded, "Oh, you met my twin brother huh? How unfortunate."

"Shut up!" his brother retorted. "And go away!" With that, Osamu left the scene, allowing the real elevator boy to have some alone time with you.

"Hey, sorry 'bout that. You must've been confused," the boy said.

You tucked a hair behind your ear, "Yea, a bit. I guess I should introduce myself again."

He smiled, that flirtatious smile you had seen before. "No need. (L/n)(y/n) right?"

"How did you-"

"You dropped this," he said, passing you your notebook. You sighed in relief, confirming you had not lost it after all.

"Thank you-"

"Atsumu. Miya Atsumu," he smiled.

You grinned back, taking the book from him, "Miya-san."

"Please, call me Atsumu. You'll have my brother confused."

You smiled, "Okay, Atsumu-san."

"Then, can I call you by your first name too? It's only fair~."

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