II. "The girl who fell off a cliff"

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This is fucking ridiculous. This ship- gosh it ain't even a ship, it's a fucking boat. This boat kept on fucking leaking.

"For the love of-" I cut myself short as I took the small ass bucket and scooped the water back out to the ocean. While mid scooping I realized that there was land nearby. I chuckled and took my telescope out, I saw men on the dock putting supplies on the boats. 

"This is about to get interesting... I should stop talking to myself." I whispered before moving the sail to go to the dock. 

It took me some time to reach the dock, but as soon as I did the boat has already sunk and I was standing on the tippy top of the sail. The men didn't even question me as I hopped onto the dock. I then walked as if I didn't just come from a sunken boat. 

"Hey! You!" I rolled my eyes and put on a smile for the man that called for me. 

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" I asked politely. He didn't look amused, pointing at the disgrace of a boat. 

"What's your name?" I quickly thought of a way to get out of this situation. I turned around pretending to think when I saw a pouch filled with money. I quickly took three coins out and turned to face the man again. 

"Take these coins and let's forget about the name..."He looked around to see if anyone was watching us. He then took the coins, nodded, and continued to check the rest of the ships. 

'Thank goodness...' I thought and adjusted my pirate hat. I took the pouch of money and continued on walking to who knows where. All I know is that I'm hungry. 


I. Am. So. Hot. The corset is not helping at all. I was at the ceremony where my father wanted me to meet my husband. Who I did not love at the slightest. My father then gave me a little shove to make me pay attention. 

Honestly, I didn't get a lot from the ceremony as I was sweating my ass off. But my soon to be husband took me to the edge of a broken-down building. It was on a cliff, looking down I could see the waves thundering on the rocks. The sun shined down on both of us making me become dizzier and more out of breath. 

"Chaeryeong..." He said, taking my hand. 

"What Taehyun..." I panted out, fanning myself. 

"Well, I know that...supposed to be married by now... formally ask you...marry me?" That was the last thing I heard before I passed out. 


"You!" I sighed again and turned around to see two guards. I bowed mockingly and tapped my hat to them.

"And how may I help you, fine gentlemen?" One of them blushed making the other shove him. I gave them a dashing smile and tried to keep walking to the ships. I wanted to steal one so that I could go get my ship back and kill Olivia. Simple.

"You can't go there." I tilted my head and looked behind him, acting dumb.

"How come... you guys can't go there? Are you not important enough-"

"Silence! Yes, we are. It's just that they need someone to guard their boats!" One of them yelled at me. Let's call him... tight pants and the other huge nose. Huge nose put down his gun and fully faced Tight pants. 

"She has a point though... we are pretty important..." 

"Stop, she Is trying to trick us!"

"I'm not trying to do that... I mean, why are you guys guarding this place? Shouldn't you have other guards to help you if someone dangerous-"

"No! Do you even know why we, the most important of guards, are here?" I scrunched my eyebrows and shook my head no. Huge nose scoffed at me and pointed the gun again. 

"It has the fastest ship in the whole wide world. The HMS Interceptor..."

"Interceptor for short." Tight pants added on. 

"Really... well that's cute and all but that's not the fastest ship in the whole world." Both of them stared at me in disbelief. I crossed my arms and leaned back against the wall. "Obviously... you never heard of the- I probably shouldn't say it." I interrupted myself and kicked my body off of the wall. 

Both of the guards looked at each other and blocked me from leaving the dock area. 

"What do you mean... The Interceptor isn't the fastest ship. Yes it is!" Huge nose went up to my face. I wiped some spit off of my face and blinked my eyes quickly. 

"Say it, don't spray it..." Tight pants held the gun up to me and tried to look intimidating. 

"You are a pirate. I could kill you right now-"

"Then you wouldn't know the faster ship, now will you?" I raised my eyebrow at him. Tight pants scoffed and put his gun down along with Huge nose. 

"Can't you just tell us?" I rolled my eyes at them. 

"It's the Black Pearl, have you no culture?" 

"What! That's...that's a myth!" Huge nose pulled tight pants to the side and started to whisper. I took my chance and slowly walked backward. As soon as I was about to run to the interceptor I heard a big splash to the left of me. I then saw a girl sinking down slowly. 

'Yup, she's going to be useful.'

I jumped from the dock swam to the bottom of the sea. It wasn't that bad, I've had practice from all the times one of my ex-crew mates jumped overboard to get a coin or something. When I got to the girl I paused for a second. She was beautiful, the water made her hair swirl about. But that's when I noticed a necklace floating away from her slowly. 

I grabbed it along with the girl and swam to the surface. A girl like her almost made me drown because I was too busy thinking. 

When I reached the dock Huge nose and Tight pants were there just waiting. 

"Get your hands off of her. I got this!" Huge nose said and started to do compressions. I looked at him in disbelief and pushed him to the side. I ripped off her corset and she started to breathe, coughing up water. 

I stared at Huge nose who looked down sheepishly. 

"Yeah... I wouldn't have thought of that..." I rolled my eyes and helped her up. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her she was about to say something when a gun interrupted our moment. 

"Stay where you are! Don't move!" The girl was then dragged by some guy, still holding a gun to my head. I rolled my eyes yet again and raised my hands up in the air. When I looked around I recognized one of them. 

"Well, if it isn't for Taehyun... how are you doing?" He scoffed and pushed the gun closer to me. 

"I've got you this time Y/n." I smiled and bowed sarcastically again. 

"Seize her!"

"Taehyun stop!" The girl yelled at him. Everyone stopped trying to 'seize me' and stared at the girl. "She saved my life!" 

"Chaeryeong, she's a pirate-"

"Has she done anything to your town father?" He looked at me. I waved at him making Taehyun roll his eyes. 

"She's a pirate!"

"Who saved my life!" Chaeryeong then went up to me and blocked me from the guards. Well, this is new. Someone trying to protect me, that's sweet and all but I'm pretty sure I was going to have to use her. 


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