X. "Jisu and her cat eyed girl"

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"What the hell is taking those two so long!?" Capitan Olivia shouted at her crew who only stayed silent.

"They said they'd settle the fight-"

"Well Lisa and Jisu need to come back or I'm going to leave them behind!" The captain yelled and angrily walked to the deck.

Jisu and Lisa had an argument about who the better fighter was. They were about to brawl in the ship when Olivia scolded them and told them to take it on the beach. Both did just that, fighting for almost ten hours straight.

I don't know how they do that without taking a break or getting water.

We made a stop because we needed to refill on food and to let out some steam... if you get what I'm saying.

But that was in the morning, it was now the afternoon and Olivia insisted that we had to keep going. I don't know what they're planning since most of them don't talk a lot.

Well, except this one girl, Jisu. Even though she seemed nice and friendly she can be really mean and defensive when it comes to her pride. Especially when Lisa told Jisu that she was the better fighter, that sparked something in her.

Jisu mostly talks about the cat-like girl she bumped into while she was raiding my town. I don't know who that is but I can tell that she really likes her.

I smiled thinking about the potential couple and leaned against the railing. The rest of the crew got to work, getting ready to sail again. At this rate, I was starting to believe that they really would leave Lisa and Jisu behind. Captain Olivia stood next to me and watched the people in the town.

"I'm surprised you aren't making a run for it... people usually do by now." I shrugged my shoulders and stayed put.

"Even if I do I wouldn't make it that far..." Olivia chuckled at that. It was true though, I'm not that good of a runner.

"Are you hungry?" Olivia asked making me turn to see if she was serious. She had a poker face making it hard to tell if she was pulling my leg or if she was worried about my well being.

"Yes," I said quietly and stared at the town again. She nodded and pushed me slightly so I could follow.

She leads me to her office and told me to sit down on the chair. She took out a chicken leg and slapped it on a plate. Olivia then gave it to me carelessly while I just stared at it. She then sat in the chair in front of me and ate her own chicken leg.

"Go on..." she said mockingly as she took another bite of the chicken leg. I nodded and took a big bite, eating like a starved animal.

I can feel Olivia watch with amusement as she saw me eating.

"Damn..." she whispered as I finished it.

"Do you have water?" I asked politely and wiped my face as if nothing happened. She nodded and poured me a glass. She chuckled, witnessing me eat grossly like that.

Again not my proudest moment but I was really hungry.

She then pushed the glass over to me, which I chugged and finished in two seconds.

"May I have more?" I asked again and handed her the glass.

Olivia must be enjoying this as she gave me more water. I drink it calmly this time.

"Captain... they still aren't here. We are ready to go now." Hasuel said. Olivia nodded.

"Well, I guess we got to go without them then." As soon as she said that there were yells coming from the town.

I looked out the window seeing Jisu and Lisa running to the ship.

"That was the best fight I've had in a while, and I still won." Jisu gloated as Lisa clenched her fist. It looked like things weren't settled at all.

"Lisa, attack Jisu in here. I dare you." Olivia scolded her. She scoffed and walked away.

"Jisu get over here, look after her." Olivia pointed at me and got up to lead the ship away from the town. Jisu happily sat down next to me and put her feet up on an extra chair.

"Wanna hear about my day?" I nodded, there wasn't anything better to do here anyways.

"Of course, whatever it is it's better than being trapped here." Jisu nodded, agreeing with what I said and leaned towards me.

"So you know that cat eyed girl I talked about?" I shook my head ya making her tap her feet on the ground. "I found her again, she was in this town... what a coincidence to bump into her twice." I tilted my head in confusion.

"Did you get her name this time?" Jisu stared at me and palmed herself on the forehead.

"Damn it... I forgot to ask for her fucking name again." That made me laugh a little. Jisu rolled her eyes and leaned against her hand. She started pouting, and groaned.

"It's ok, if you guys bump into each other this much you're bound to meet again." She nodded but her mood was still a bit down.

"I got a weird feeling that I'm going to see her again..." Jisu said.

As soon as she finished that sentence Oliva came into her office laughing.

"You guys better get ready, there's a ship in front of us and it looks like they want a little visit..." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the front of the ship. That's when I saw the Interceptor.

"Oh shit..." I mumbled. Olivia of course noticed this and skipped to where I was and put her arm around my shoulder.

"Ohh yeah... things are about to get interesting." She then lead me to the front of the ship. "Stay here, we'll show you how it's done." I didn't know what she meant by that.

"What...?" Jisu jogged up to me and leaned at the railing.

"We're going to attack them." She said nonchalantly. My eyes widened when I heard that.

"For what... what did they do?" Jisu shrugged her shoulders and was about to answer but got interrupted.

"They're in our way, might as well kill them." Yves said, pulling s rope to adjust the sails.

I looked at the ship worriedly.

"Hopefully those people are fine, they might be looking for me." I mumbled out. Jisu heard that and put a reassuring hand on my arm.

"The worst thing we could do is kill them, we're not in the mood for that though..." Jisu said trying to comfort me. I sighed as we slowly caught up to the ship.

'Hopefully they can handle these pirates...'

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