XVIII. "I'll marry you"

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Sadly Olivia wanted me to stay on board so that I could witness them become stranded on an island.

That's not cool.

Some pirate tied up my hands but I knew I wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

I winced when I saw Chaeryeong dive into the ocean. Jeez, this girl has a lot of guts.

I then saw how Y/n hesitated for a moment until I saw the cute pirate give her a gun. Y/n then jumped off. I widened my eyes at that.

She just gave up?

"Everyone set sail. We're going back to the cave and we are gonna be free!" Olivia yelled out causing the rest of them to yell also.

I saw the cute pirate walk back from the plank. Olivia then stopped her from doing her job.

"Not you, look after her." She then pointed at me. I scoffed at the way she said her.

'Fricking rude, no wonder Y/n wants to kill you.'

The Jisu nodded and walked over to me. She then grabbed my arm and took me to an office. She then sat me down on a chair and stared at me.

"Wow, and we meet again..." I said lamely. She nodded but did nothing else.

We sat there for a while, making things a bit awkward.



We both started to say at the same time.

"No, you go first..." I tried again. She nodded but just stared at me.

She's so pretty...

"...that's why I think they're going to kill you." She ended. I didn't even realize she was talking until she said the last part.

"What!" I yelled out. I was freaking out a bit. I mean I did say I hated my life, that doesn't mean I want to die right away.

Jisu shook her head at me.

"Pay attention. They want to spill your blood so we can be free."

"Yeah, but do they have to kill me?" Jisu shrugged her shoulders.

"No, but Olivia is really mad so she might just be in the mood."

Who would be 'in the mood' to kill for no reason?

I ended up just sitting there while we drifted to the cave where they will spill my blood.

"Well, if I'm going to die... can you please do something for me?" I tried to ask nonchalantly.

It didn't work as Jisu glared at me.

"I'm going to die anyways so...?" The pirate rolled here eyes and gestured for me to continue.

"All you have to do is answer some of my questions then I'll die happily."

"Sure, what are they?"

"Why didn't you try to kill me when we first met?" Jisu smirked and leaned against the table.

"Because I thought you were cute. Also at the town, I spared your life because you're cute."

"So, does that mean you'll spare my life again...?"


"Are you fucking insane!" I yelled at Chaeryeong as she threw another barrel full of rum into her 'signal fire'.

It was huge! She basically burned down all the fucking trees.

"It's fine! Someone has to see this, someone will come for us in an hour!"

"How long have you been burning this shit!" I screamed at her.

I was upset because the rum that keeps me happy is burnt because of a pretty princess.

I then groaned and sat on the sand and moped.

"Get up! We have things to do!"

"No we don't, you burned everything..." I heard her sigh, she then pulled me up and forced my head to look a direction.

There I saw a ship.

"Oh no..." I whispered out.

"Can we please talk?" Taehyun smirked and shook his head no.

"There's no more talking for you Y/n. Take her down." I rolled my eyes as the guard took me into their little makeshift cell.

Of course Taehyun had to find us. Just my luck.

I got thrown into the cell making me groan.

It wasn't as bad as the Black Pearl though so that's good.

"Why would I trust that fucking princess..."


"Taehyun please, Yeji is my friend. We need to save her."

"That's not my problem Chaeryeong the only thing that matters now is that you're safe." He dismissed me and went back to commanding people. I groan and followed him like a lost puppy.

"Please, I'll marry you if you do this." That made him stop. Amongst the chaos we were just standing there in the middle.

"So if I let the crew get Yeji back, you will marry me?"

"Yes." I saw Taehyun smile. He then grabbed me and spun me around happily.

"Ok then we will definitely get Yeji back." I faked a smile as he happily walked away. I then looked at the doorway leading to where Y/n would be.

'Maybe I should check up on her.'

I was about to go down when a guard stopped me.

"You can't be down here." He said shortly. I didn't want to argue so I nodded and left. Instead I went into my room and thought about the selfish attractive pirate.

She's so annoying, everything she does just infuriates me to no end.

"Lunch break!!" I heard a guard scream out. I slightly opened my door to see the guy skipping away and leaving his post.

What a horrible guard.

I then went ahead and went to where Y/n was stuck in. It didn't take that long, there was a single cell with a very grumpy pirate staring at me.

"You didn't have to contact Taehyun you know, he kinda hates me." I gave a small grin knowing that she was fine. Y/n tilted her head.

"I'm sorry, but he's the only one I know who would be searching for me."

"Yeah, and now I'm stuck in this cell, they couldn't even give me a blanket... what if I have to pee? I don't want no guard staring at my ass while I take a piss!" Y/n yelled out. I shushed her, which surprisingly worked.

"I just wanted to see if you were fine... and that we're going back to the cave to free Yeji." Y/n nodded and slumped to the ground.

"Cool, wake me up when we arrive, I'm pretty much useless right now."

"Also, I'm getting married to Taehyun." Her reaction was amazing, I felt her glare on me.


"That's the only reason he agreed to take us to the cave. Plus you can kill Olivia now..."

Y/n went up to the bar, trying to get as close as she can to me.

"Do you really think I want you to marry that guy?"

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