XIII. "What a great night to catch up..."

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"Jeez did you have to fucking push me down to the damn floor!" I yelled at Y/n. She was too busy running to the steering wheel trying to lead us away from the Black Pearl.

"My bad, you were holding me up against a fucking pole. How else was I supposed to go?"

"I don't know... ask me nicely!" I screamed at her and got back up to my feet. As soon as I was about to punch the daylights out of her Ryujin stopped me. She held me back and pushed me away from her.

"Look, I know that Y/n is really fucking annoying but she's trying to save our lives right now. So how about in a little bit when we are safe, both of you can have a little spar." Ryujin suggested.

"She's not going to win though." I scoffed out.

"What the hell?" I heard Y/n say. I looked in her direction to see the Black Pearl leaving. It sharply turned and sailed away.

"I don't know if that's good or bad." Y/n said like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and trudged up to where she was, getting ready to beat the hell out of her.

"Now that the 'danger' is gone let's fucking fight." Before she could even process what I was saying I brought out my sword and swung at her. She immediately backed up and rolled away from the steering wheel.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?" Y/n asked before bringing out her own sword. I shook my head and attacked her again.

"Yeji! When I said spar in a little bit I didn't mean this!" I heard Ryujin from somewhere but I didn't care at the moment. Right now I only wanted to put Y/n in her place.

"Wow, so eager to fight me. Your form is weak and sloppy. What happened to training three hours a day? You're shit!" Y/n taunted me as she blocked my every swing.

By now I was seeing red. I swing hard and ended up slicing a piece of her shirt. That's when I stopped and stared like an idiot.

I revealed her abs to the world. Oh gosh.

"Yeji! Seriously! I was only playing around! I didn't expect you to fucking cut open my shirt like this. I don't have an extra!"  Y/n screamed at me as I stared at her.

She has such nice abs.

I couldn't hear anything for a good thirty seconds until I felt someone slap me in the face.

"Jeez! Who the fuck slapped me!" I looked to the side and saw Ryujin grinning at me.

"You wouldn't stop staring at Y/n weirdo."

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Ryujin looked at me in disbelief and gestured towards. Y/n.

"You were staring at her abs..."

"No, I wasn't-"

"Ryujin, she's never going to admit that she likes my abs. Can I have a shirt please?" Y/n interrupted me and walked up to us. I backed up and let Ryujin give her a shirt.

"Thank goodness Yuna makes sure you have extra shit." Y/n exclaimed and took off what was left of her shirt. I then stared down at her stomach, it was a reflex.

Ryujin snapped and I walked away from the scene. I heard Ryujin laughing as I shook my head.

I can't believe I got caught staring.

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