III. "Who are you?"

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Before I could even think Y/n, the girl who saved me held me from behind and raised a gun to my head. Everyone gasped and moved out of the way.

"What are you doing, I was trying to save you back there." I whispered angrily to her.

"Don't take this personally sweetheart, but I'm a pirate. I also have to do a lot of things that do not involve staying here... But thank you for trying." She then pushed me to the group of soldiers and ran the other way.

"Get her!" Taehyun yelled out and the soldiers ran after her.

I sighed, my heart beating abnormally fast. My father hugged me and told one of the guards to escort me home.

Her voice sounded like velvet in my ears... am I going insane? She didn't look dirty, like most of the pirates I've seen. She was put together and really strong. The most annoying thing is that she looks attractive, more attractive than Taehyun that's for sure. Maybe I just like girls...

'Catching feelings for a pirate is not normal, oh god...' I thought. I then felt the inside of my dress, realizing that I didn't have my necklace. My eyes widened as I felt around my dress. The necklace...

When I arrived home I looked around my room, trying to find it. When I gave up I heard a knock from the window. It knocked again after a minute. I got up cautiously and opened the window. As soon as I opened it a blur came into the room. I almost screamed but was stopped by a hand.

It turned me around to face them.

"Hello, princess." My eyes widened when I saw that it was Y/n. She let go of me and gave me the necklace. I was speechless and couldn't say a thing. I was just staring at her while she looked around the room.

"How..." She raised her eyebrow at me and smiled.

"Your security is kinda shit, not gonna lie. You had one guard to escort you home and guard the house. Trashy." I sat on my bed at she opened a box of cookies I keep in my room. "By the way..." She continued on. I stared at her while she was shoving her mouth with cookies. "Why do you have that necklace?" I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Why should I tell you anything after you tried to kill me?"

"What do you mean? I saved you." Y/n chuckled out and threw the empty box of cookies in the trash. "I just needed to get away from the guards, like I said, don't take it personally." She then sat next to me on the bed.

I was still a bit angry so I crossed my arms and looked the other way.

"Aw... come on princess, I just need a few answers..." I then looked at her and noticed that she was pouting.

"What kind of pirate pouts?" She smiled and gave me a little shove.

"I do, wow you're mean." She then got up and sat on the floor. I rolled my eyes and decided to tell her. I told her the story of how Yeji and I met which is how I obtained the necklace. She nodded and hauled herself off of the floor.

"Well, I gotta go princess, you know, I'm still on the run. I'll see you later..." She then saluted at me and jumped from the window. I shook my head and closed the window.

I think she made me fall for her harder, what a weird pirate.


"What are you doing, I was trying to save you back there." Chaeryeong whispered angrily to me.

"Don't take this personally sweetheart, but I'm a pirate. I also have to do a lot of things that do not involve staying here... But thank you for trying." I then pushed her to the group of soldiers and ran the other way.

"Get her!" Taehyun yelled out and the soldiers ran after me.

'Of course, this dickwad wants to get me. Well I mean... who wouldn't want to?' I thought as I ran to the heart of the town. This is where everyone shops, and best of all, they mind their own business. I turned my head to see Huge nose and Tight pants trying to catch up to me. I winked at them and ran faster.

"Stop..." Huge nose panted out but fell due to exhaustion.

"Are you kidding me!" Tight pants yelled out and stopped to help his friend. I kept going until I saw a blacksmiths shop. I slowed down my running and quietly went into the store. I closed the door slowly and looked around the shop.

It was mostly made out of wood, a bunch of swords laying around and a sleeping man on a chair. I looked at him and slowly went up to the snoring fellow. I tapped his nose, he didn't move a muscle. I snapped my finger near his ear, still no movement.

"Ahhh!" I yelled into his ear, he didn't move at all.

'Well, alright.' I thought, getting a sword from the wall. When I made my way to the door a sword stopped me. It was thrown by an unknown force, all I know is that it could've killed me. I slowly turned around to see a girl. She looked mad as hell.

"Um, what was that for...?" She scoffed and walked to me slowly. I gave her my dashing smile and pulled the sword from the door. She stopped, surprised that I pulled the sword effortlessly.

"How did you..." I smiled and winked at her.

"You're not the only one who can swordfight..." I told her with confidence. She yelled and attacked me. I dodged her, making her hit the door. I then leaned into her ear.

"Looks like you're stuck." That riled her up, causing her to pull the sword. I looked at her in surprise. "Yup, I didn't expect that at all." She then attacked once again. This time I blocked her and went for a strike on my own. It went on like that for a few minutes, her striking and me blocking and vice versa.

"You know, we might be here a while, might as well tell me your name." I panted out as she tried to cut my leg off. She shook her head, amused at my 'stupidity' and went for my chest. I blocked the sword and successfully disarmed her. I then pinned her on the dusty ground making her extra pissed. She breathed out and gave up for a second.

"Who the fuck are you?" I smiled at her and got off.

"Y/n..." I said. She was still on the ground.

"Yeji, that's my name. No one could ever beat me at sword fighting, well until you." I smiled and helped her up.

"Well, not that I don't trust you or anything but I'll be going now." When I tried to leave she tackled me to the ground and held my neck.

"You know, I practice three hours a day sword fighting and five hours making these swords." I raised my eyebrow at her even though I'm being fucking choked.

"Wow, you must be a lonely son of a bitch."

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