XV. "Why"

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I just saw the girl I've been thinking of since the whole trip and she's here to fuck me over.

I don't know what to fucking do. I couldn't really think of anything until Y/n started to step closer to us.

Basically she was at one side while the rest of us were on the other, staring at each other like idiots.

"I gotta say, it's amazing how far you've gotten with my ship and my crew Olivia..." Y/n taunted her.

I don't think she realizes that we could just attack her.

"Give me the fucking coin!" Olivia yelled out scaring everyone, well everyone but Y/n.

I then looked at the cat eyes girl's direction again. She was still there. She put both her hands up as if to plead not to reveal her location. I then looked away and acted like I didn't see anything.

The things I do for a pretty girl. And I don't even know her name.


Oh thank the lord she didn't tell anyone. I then crawled to the back of the pirates, seeing they were all looking at Y/n, and not moving for some reason. Chaeryeong was with Olivia so I couldn't easily sneak her out.

Y/n then made eye contact with me.

She then looked at Olivia again and started talking like the annoying person she is.


Alright, I see what Yeji is doing but Olivia has a right ass grip on Chaeryeong.

"You know, I'd love to give you this coin... only if I have the girl." I then pointed at Chaeryeong. Olivia rolled her eyes but held onto her tighter.

"You see, we need her."

"But you also need this coin!" I exclaimed joyful and took cautious steps towards them. I sensed someone coming behind me but I pretended to be oblivious.

Olivia smirked, only because she thought she had me.

"Yeah, but you're going against a crew... and there's only one of you."

"Whoa, that rhymed." I said and then threw the coin behind me. The person behind me got caught off guard and caught it, not thinking that I would tackle her to the ground. I then looked at Yeji giving her the signal to get Chaeryeong.

I then got my sword out and faced the first person I saw. Olivia's crew was so caught off guard that they didn't realize that Ryujin and the others were fighting already.

'Just as I had planned, I'm such a genius.' I thought and continued to fight.


Olivia was distracted with the plan giving me a chance to push her.

She then looked up to see me wave at her while I took Chaeryeong.

"Let's fucking run!" I yelled at Chaeryeong and dragged her to the ship. I made sure no one was following us before hauling her up.

"How did you...?"

"Long story. For now we have to go." As I said that the rest of the crew ran up and started to climb.

"Where's Y/n?" Ryujin panted out. I looked over and saw that she wasn't here.

"We have to leave her behind." I said and started to give orders. Everyone followed what I said, in about five minutes we were sailing away from the cave. I sighed and stretched my neck.

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