VIII. "Where are we?"

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chaeryeong (night she's taken)

"Can you move any fucking slower Yves?" Heejin said as Yves pulled me up with her to the ship.

"Shut the fuck up I'm pulling her up while you're just talking." Yves responded.

"Can you guys not fight while we are climbing the fucking ladder!" Vivi said trying to push Heejin forward.

'Why did they let these two go together if they don't get along?' I thought trying to make sense of them. When we got on the ship it was loud. Everyone one was busy doing something or putting loot in bags. They were also unnecessarily screaming.

"Captain!" Hasuel yelled out hauling herself over the railing. Her voice was drowned out as everyone was busy yelling and demanding others.

"Everyone silence!" Vivi yelled out. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the five of us.

'Damn. Did not see that coming...'

"Captain, this girl wants to see you." Vivi said in her normal voice. The three pirates that accompanied her was shocked at the change. She went from angry to nice real quick.

I still didn't know who the hell the captain was, we were all just waiting until a girl stepped forward. She of course looked like a pirate but there was a powerful aura surrounding her. Everyone made way for her as she went up to us slowly.

"She said Parlay..." Vivi said and pushed me towards the Capitan. She smiled at me and held my arm.

"Ok then... what do you want?" I shivered as she spoke to me.

"I'll give you money if you leave here and never come back." I said fearfully. Not my best moment but everything's fine. The captain just smiled.

"Sure but I already took your gold." She said in a tone you use to make a child not cry. That pissed me off. Before I could say anything Hasuel pulled the captain to the side and whispered in her ear. She said a few sentences making the captain have a huge smile.

"Hmm, very well. We won't come back here." The captain said. I sighed in relief knowing that I did something. But my heart dropped when I realized that everyone was getting ready to leave the town.

"Excuse me." I tried to say politely. The captain turned around and raised her eyebrow at me.

"What's the problem?" The ship then started to leave the dock making me freak out a bit.

"Aren't you going you let me go back?" The captain smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

She pulled me to the railing and forced me to look at the town.

"It's like you said, we aren't going to go back there. You better not get sea sick." I looked at her in disbelief.

"That's not what I said-"

"Please sweetheart, don't take this personally. It's the best for everyone." I pushed her away slightly only for her to hold on to me tighter.

"Please let go." I sucked up the bit of pride that I had left. The captain smiled and let go of me.

"Welcome to the Black Pearl. And please, call me Captain Olivia..."


"Y/n where the hell are we." I sighed out as she tied the rope to the log.

"I wanted a little break, I'm sorry but I'm kinda thirsty and there's no food on the Interceptor shit. So I'm going to get some food and alcohol." Y/n said and left me there. I grumbled and followed her I willingly again. I saw her turn around a little to see me following her.

It was currently the next day, afternoon to be exact. We basically spent the night sleeping and getting lost because Y/n insisted that she was going to 'keep watch'. We ended up drifting the wrong way.

"Such a good kitty." Y/n mockingly said.

"Alright that's it." I said before tackling her to the ground.

She wasn't the only one who was hungry and thirsty. She pushed me off of her making me jump on her back again and grab her head.

"Can you let me the fuck go! I'm getting us food you dumb bitch!"

"I don't need your fucking food! Quit calling me 'kitty' or I'm gonna skin you alive!" I yelled out while pulling her hair upwards. She yelled I'm pain as I kept pulling her hair left and right.

Then I heard laughing. I looked to my right to see a woman just laughing at the scene. I immediately got embarrassed and got off of Y/n. The pirate scrambled up and fixed the hair under her hat. She then saw who I was staring at.

"Ryujin!!" Y/n exclaimed while laughing a little. Ryujin smiled and hugged Y/n.

'She has friends?' I was confused, she had such a bad personality yet she has friends?

"I'm going to the shops and buying something to eat!" I yelled at Y/n who just waved me off like I was nothing.

'She's so fucking annoying.'


"Ryujin!" I yelled out. The girl smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"Who's that girl? Another hook up?" I rolled my eyes at that and was about to respond when Yeji yelled at me.

"I'm going to the shops and buying something to eat!" She yelled at me. I waved her off, hearing the way she angrily walked away. I chuckled looking to see if she was going the right way. I heard Ryujin clear her throat making me look at her.

"What?" She wiggles her eyebrows in a suggestive way, making me scrunch my face I'm disgust.

"Her and I? Hell no." She laughed and patted my back.

"I never said anything mate. Come on, you must be here for a reason."

"That I am."

"Alright, so you're telling me that Olivia... The Olivia that we grew up with, left you to fucking die?" Ryujin angrily got up from the table making me stand up with her. I tried to calm her down but nothing was working.

We made it into her house where we could talk as loudly as we wanted to. I think we blabbered on and on for maybe an hour until Olivia popped up as a topic.

"Ryujin! Can you please relax?" That was a mistake, she glared at me and was about to scream when someone entered the house. We both turned to see a familiar face.

"Ryujin! How many times do I have to tell you to NOT yell in the house!" Ryujin looked down and mumbled an apology.

"I'm sorry Yuna." Yuna rolled her eyes and put down the food that she bought.

"It's fine just don't do it again." I smiled at their interaction. Must be nice to be loved.

"Anyways..." I said breaking off their cute moment together. Ryujin glared at me as I smiled back at her. "Will you help me?"

Ryujin whispered to Yuna about what I was planning making her get a few hits. Eventually they had an agreement and Yuna let me take Ryujin out of the house.

"Ryujin be careful or I will kill you myself!" Yuna yelled after her. Ryujin just smiled and waved at her lover.

"I'll miss you babe!" I rolled my eyes as I dragged Ryujin out of the house faster.

"Come on, we need to find the rest of them."

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