Chapter 1

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Hi! Lilla here, for Author's notes, please read the description of the story!
This is my first book, so don't expect 10/10 writing and story progression, and complex characters. Anyway, enjoy!

POV: Mumbo 
Word Count: 632

Onto his third shovel, hot and thirsty in the mining desert, Mumbo was collecting sand to make ridiculous amounts of concrete for his mega-build. He had filled five out of the six shulker boxes required to satisfy his needs for the moment, and his shovel was down to the red in durability. He lunged down to take another swoop at the sand when, with a loud crack, the head of the diamond shovel snapped off of the handle. Cursing under his breath, he switched to an unused shovel and continued to dig.

With his many shulker boxes almost overflowing with sand, he opened his inventory, took out his rockets, and flew back through the nether portal to his base to empty them. He preferred gravel mining to sand mining because the gravel mountains only had a slightly chilly breeze, as opposed to a sweltering heat, and a cloudless sky.

Mumbo arrived at his chaotic sand-gravel-powder chests and emptied his shulker boxes into the highest double chest on the ever-growing pile. He turned his head and caught sight of the giant, dark grey framework of his Mega Base. He smiled. Hours of work had not gone to waste. 

He jumped off the hill and pulled out his rockets. He soared through the air on his elytra, feeling the wind on his hair, admiring his mega build at every angle.

"Hey Mumbo!"

Startled, Mumbo grabbed for a rocket, and fell out of the sky, landing with a sickening crack on the glass in-between-bases-base roof below the frame of his build. 

Back aching, he groaned and turned his head to find his Swedish friend leaning over him, grinning broadly.

"Iskall, don't do that again. You scared me!"

Iskall laughed and replied, "Yeah, sorry mate. Grian wanted you to meet him at the Shopping District to check out some of the newest shops."

"Okay, cool. Are you coming too?" Mumbo responded curiously. He was surprised. Grian didn't often go out of his way just to check out a few new shops.


Chewing on a golden carrot, the duo pulled out their elytra and glided down to Mumbo's hobbit hole. Mumbo walked past the sign that Grian wrote, still reading Hermit Challenges! and searched through his small, messy chests looking for more spare firework rockets. Then he remembered the new storage system he made in his IBBB, below his new base. He opened and closed chests but to no avail, finally accepting he had no spare rockets left.

Still aching a little, Mumbo and Iskall walked through the Nether Portal to head to the peaceful Shopping District. The pair glided down from the portal on the stone podium, keeping an eye out for the G-Man. 

"Hey, did Grian tell you where he would meet us?" Mumbo asked, scanning the island for a sign of a red sweater. He reached down to pull a rocket from his Hotbar and bit his lip - he had none left. He instructed Iskall to stay where he was and look out for Grian, while he headed to Tango's Rocket Shop to restock up on rockets. Walking is so tedious!  Mumbo thought huffily as he sprinted to PyroTEKnics. 

He bought out half a shulker box worth of rockets, stuffing a handful of diamonds into the chest as payment. When placing down his rocket box to depositing the spare stacks and clear space in his inventory, to his infuriating surprise, Mumbo found that he still had three-and-a-half stacks of fireworks left in the shulker box. 

Grumbling about wasting time, he heard a crashing noise behind him and found a winded Grian lying face down on the floor winded with broken elytra. Grian turned his head and looked up at him. With a hint of exasperation, Mumbo uttered, 

"Oh look, I've found you."

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