Chapter 16

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POV: Keralis
Word Count: 1193 

Rumours spread like wildfire.

Generally begun by snatches of overheard conversation or a slip of the tongue, they escalate into speculative or accusing questions and gossip. Spread from person to person like dried leaves and sparks.

Even with these obvious rumours getting passed around, X was too busy to notice. He would be grinding materials for his arena as others pointed and murmured. He would be flying over the shopping district or buying items from shops as people whispered behind his back. But he didn't notice. Grian had technically been telling the truth when he had thought that no one else knew about the incident because, at the time, no one did know.

Somehow, someone (*cough* Iskall and Stress *cough*) had leaked what had happened a few weeks ago in the Honey pot.


"What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more~"

Keralis sang along to the song as he stepped into his rich office, admiring the view of his city below him. He almost fell backwards as a loud "BEEP" echoed around the beautiful, diamond office. Keralis fumbled around his unnaturally messy inventory for his communicator. After a few moments, he extracted the device and opened the Hermitcraft chat.

An announcement flashed across the pixelated screen;

<Xisuma> There will be a server-wide meeting at 5:00 pm today since we haven't had one since the transition to 1.16. See you all there!

Keralis thought for a moment. Of course, he had heard the rumours. He wanted to ask and confirm with Xisuma in person. Even if there were inconsistencies between versions of the stories, there was always one thing in common; Grian had taken off X's helmet.

"I... We can collect the profits from the Concrete Shop and I can bring it up there?" He asked to himself, just as the song ended.

>Keralis1: Shishwammy!

>Keralis1: Meet me at the concrete shop to collect profits!

>Xisuma: Okay

>Xisuma: Gotta be quick tho :-)

A few minutes later the two were standing by the barrels, divvying their diamonds.

"48 diamonds to me," Xisuma stated, "And 49 diamonds to you, plus the 13 you hadn't collected last time!"

Keralis grinned, his oversized eyes shining with the prospect of acquiring almost a stack of diamonds. He looked at Shishwammy, who also seemed to be grinning underneath the red visor of his Stridesuma helmet.

"Oh, right... SO SISHWAMMY! I've heard some... tales about your face!" Keralis said, somewhat bluntly.

Xisuma's heart missed a beat. He dropped his fat stack of diamonds to the floor with a deafening clatter as they rolled down the slightly sloped floor. Keralis could tell that Xisuma's face had turned pale beneath his helmet.

"You heard WHAT?" Xisuma said, towering over Keralis.

"I heard some rumours about your... beautiful face!" Keralis said, his confidence slipping.

"no... no no no NO NO NO NO NO NONONO!" X screamed. He ran out of the door and took off, and flew, flew without knowing where he was going.

POV: Xisuma

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