Chapter 2

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POV: Grian
Word Count: 488

Grian sniggered and gingerly stood up. He took off his torn elytra and stowed them away back in his inventory. I'll mend them later he thought to himself, taking some diamonds out of his Ender Chest and completely buying out the rest of the rockets from the store.

"How did you get that many diamonds??" Mumbo asked dumbstruck. Grian wasn't often the kind of guy to go mining for hours just to buy a couple of stacks of firework rockets.

"Oh!" Grian replied laughing, "My shop, the HMS GGG! Sand and gravel are popular you know. You should buy some."

He threw a few stacks of rockets and Mumbo, who was still standing there, speechless. 

"Where's Iskall at?" Asked Grian, bringing Mumbo back to his senses. 

"Oh yeah, I left him near the Nether Portals to look out for you while I bought rockets," Mumbo responded. The hobbit duo walked back, away from the giant-bundle-of-rocket-shaped shop and towards the portals, chatting animatedly, to find that Iskall had wandered off somewhere while Mumbo was gone. 

Mumbo scanned the sky and mycelium for a lime green, but to no luck other than the Slime Shop.

"HEY BROS!" yelled a voice behind them.

The pair both jumped and turned around to find themselves facing an Iskall with a rather large head.

"Dude! I told you before not to do that!" moaned Mumbo exasperatedly. 

"Good deeds IskallMAN!" Said Iskall enthusiastically passing them both a stack of oak wood each.

"Wh-" Grian started to say but Iskall cut across him, laughing, and said childishly, "Ren crashed a blimp into my tree and sold me more wood than I could fit into my shulker boxes! So... welcome GOOD DEEDS ISKALLMAN!"

Grian raised his eyebrows

"So anyway," Grian stated in a mock business-like tone,  "I wanted to do a little exploring of this season's shopping district. There are lots of new shops that I haven't visited, and I thought that maybe you guys might want to join me."

Grian took out a spare pair of enchanted elytra, and some rockets. The others briefly exchanged looks, then followed him and were all soon flying high above the peaceful Mushroom Island, admiring the work of their fellow hermits. Stressmonster, who was working on her new potions shop, gazed up and waved at the boys, now gliding gracefully among the clouds. 

The group stopped checked out the Iron Works, The Spits, the Trident Store, the TNT shop (Grian stopped here to check out prices...), Concrete Complete, Monster's Brew, and Boomers, then sat down by the shore and admired the beautiful, glowing setting sun over the ocean horizon. 

This is too good to last, Grian thought, as they stood up to fly back to their bases. Suddenly, but unsurprisingly, they heard the terrifying screeches of phantoms and the crashing of thunder in the distance, pushing them to say goodbye and leave the shopping district through the portals with haste.

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