Chapter 11

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POV: Grian
Word Count: 955

"Man, what the heck is that noise?!" Iskall yelled.

In the distance, an appalling din could be heard. If it weren't for the highly distinguishable "Pling" noises, the duo would have assumed it were a glitch with the server or something along those lines. The sound was so loud that it almost made the screeching of the ghasts below the nether roof unnoticeable.

"It's coming from that giant noteblock!"

Grian pointed towards a giant, dark cube looming over them in the red, foggy distance. The two took a detour from their trip to the shopping district to investigate the ear-piercing din. The men glided down to land agilely on the slightly splintered nether roof below. As the monstrous box towered over them, casting even more shadow upon the small portals, a couple of birch signs caught their attention. 

"Hermit Challenges..!" Grian read out aloud to Iskall, staring upwards towards the huge, wooden cube, straining to hear a tune. Looking sceptical, he asked, "What is-?"

"Hang on," Iskall cut off, a grin spreading across his face, "What was Mumbo's challenge?"

"I don't even remem-" Grian started before realisation hit him. 

Ignoring Iskall's laughing fit, he turned towards the dark, wooden wall of the giant Noteblock. He pressed his head against the side, trying not to clamp his hands over his ears. After a few seconds of strained listening, he confirmed his theory that the "music" was indeed coming from this giant box. He searched his inventory for an axe and hacked into the side of the wall. 

The block disappeared, revealing a mind baffling amount of Redstone repeaters, dust and noteblocks. As he stepped forward to inspect the machine further, his communicator buzzed. Curious, he pulled it out.

>Iskall85: Mumbo

>Iskall85: Meet us at your giant Noteblock

"No no no no!" Grian said sprinting back outside to face Iskall, "What are you doing?"

"Inviting him over to talk about this second monstrosity", replied Iskall, his grin sliding off his face, "Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Just, no."

"Ok ok, I'll tell him not to come, then," Said Iskall scowling, pulling his communicator back out of his jean pockets. 

>Iskall85: No need to come all good

>MumboJumbo: already on my way

Iskall turned to face Grian, who was shaking his head and responded,

"You can talk to him about it Iskall."

A few moments later, there was a wooshing of wind and a sickening crack as a certain moustached man smacked himself into the glass panes bordering the exterior of the building. He winced and poofed into a shower of items and experience.

<MumboJumbo experienced kinetic energy>

The two bros burst into laughter again. Grian, still chuckling, crawled to the wall and picked up Mumbo's items. 

It is surprising how many Redstone materials he carries around everywhere, he thought, walking back to Iskall, who was doubled over with laughter.

"Oh my- How did he- How did he manage to do that again?" Said Iskall to Grian.

The guys waited and waited for Mumbo to arrive. Finally, a dark shape loomed over the sea of portals. 

"Have you got my items!?" Mumbo shouted flying by, as the wind roared past him.

"Yeah!" Yelled Grian, opening a Redstone shulker box and dumping the items messily into it.

"Nice shirt Grian," Said Mumbo, indicating his Mumbo for Mayor merch. Grian forced a laugh.

The three were silent for a moment.

"Where did you get the elytra?" Iskall asked trying to break the tension. Mumbo had landed and was pulling out a pickaxe to pick up his Redstone box.

"Oh, Ren Diggity Dog gave them to me," Said Mumbo, equipping his armour and organising his Hotbar, "Along with these rockets."

He cleared his throat and said, "Wha- Have you done something to my noteblock?"

"Wait a sec," Iskall said, "Two things, one- You got your moustache back from Tango?" Mumbo nodded, "And two- your "song" wasn't supposed to sound like this?"

"Yeaaaah..." replied the newly-moustached man, "It didn't sound this terrible when I finished with it..."

He wandered into the noteblock through a spruce door on the side. Iskall and Grian followed him in, Grian quickly sealing the hole he had made in the wall with dirt. Close enough.

Mumbo saw the problem, several tracks of the song were playing simultaneously. He broke a single piece of Redstone dust and after a few moments, the room was silent. 

"The problem," Mumbo stated, "Was that somehow the delays on the repeaters had... extended? Causing several parts of the song to play at the same time."

He replaced the dust and fished a Redstone torch out of his inventory. He placed and removed the torch rapidly, triggering the repeaters to start powering the noteblocks. 

"Hang on," Grian said, listening intently, "What song is this? It sounds familiar."

Mumbo smirked and said, "What? Don't you know?"

"Just tell me!" Grian whined.

"Nah, I don't think I will," 

"Mumbo, stop winding him up," Iskall laughed.

There was another silence, the three observing the magnificent cube (Grian still pondering the tune).

"Oh yeah," Mumbo remembered, shifting his head to face Iskall, "Why did you want to meet me here?"

"To get you to do something that damn monstrosity," Said Iskall. "Oh," Mumbo scoffed.

After a few more minutes of small talk, Mumbo waved goodbye to the others and said,

"Well, I better be off guys. I was thinking of tinkering a little with Grumbot."

Taking a run-up, he leapt and launched himself into the air, flying towards Iskall's Gold Farm.

"THE PORTALS ARE THAT WAY" Yelled Grian, pointing in the opposite direction.

"OH YEAH!" Mumbo shouted, doing a twist in mid-air to face in the other direction.

"SPOON!" Iskall bellowed.

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