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It had been years since Barry was struck by lightning but today he felt jet lagged and hungover which was impossible because he can't get drunk, but then again nothing is "impossible" in Central City and Team Flash knows more about that than others. Barry had decided today of all days to finally tell Iris his feelings for her... or so he thought.

Barry's pov: I had walked into the Cortex this morning and I see Caitlin was sitting at her desk and she looked upset. "Hey Cait, everything ok? you seem upset" I say walking towards her at that moment she quickly flips over her phone "I'm good nothing's wrong" she says all tense "ok now I know you are lying" I say suspiciously she bites her bottom lip then looks up at me "no i'm not why would you say that?" she says nervously "because you are doing that thing were you bite your bottom lip when something is bothering you" I say then I put my hand on her shoulder "Cait I know you and I know when somethings bothering you so please tell me" I say "I was just watching some old security footage" she says "of what?" I ask and she shows me the video.

~The security footage~

After Barry watches the video he is silent, they are both silent so Caitlin finally speaks up "I know that wasn't actually you in that video but it's still weird" she says Barry looks at her "why would it be weird?" he asks "well because he was pretending to be you and kissed me so I thought it would be weird since we are just friends" she says to him nervously and he can tell she isn't being fully honest "is it weird because he was pretending to be me or because you actually thought it was me and kissed him back?" he says but he said it in a way that he was being slightly sarcastic but wasn't at the same time. "I admit yes I thought it was you but that kiss caught me off guard... expect the unexpected I guess" she says "things aren't going to be weird between us now are they?" she asks and it was that question that flipped a switch in Barry's mind about how he felt about her. "it doesn't have to be" he says and at that moment she let out a sigh of relief and got up from her chair but she hadn't realized how close he was to her and that caused her to fall and they both fell on the ground and she was on top of him. "oh i'm so sorry Barry" she says clearly embarrassed "it's ok don't worry about it" he says then helps her up. "I should go" Caitlin says still embarrassed "Cait it's ok you don't have to leave" he says in a sweet voice "I just don't want to make things worse and more awkward between us. Not that there is an us. I mean dating wise not friendship wise. Oh my god do I sound like Felicity?"she rambles in a cute way. He smiles and laughs and right at that moment is when she saw him in a different way but she knew he didn't feel the same way about her. "I mean you never know what the future holds" he says and then points back in forth between him and her "this, you and me it could happen it's just a matter of when and where" he says hearing that makes her blush. Seeing her that way made him rethink some stuff. Neither of them knew it yet but then and there is when they both had fallen in love with each other. 

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