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Caitlin and Kara had spent most of their day outside training. Killer Frost came out to show her how to use her cold powers and Wally helped out with Kara's speed. By 
the end of the day Kara knew how to phase and throw lightning she also knew how to make icicles and throw ice at moving target. 
Wally-"this was fun but I need to get back to The Legends"
Kara-"ok thank you for the help" 

At that moment The Waverider showed up and Wally sped onto it. "I think it's time to reveal your new suit" Cisco said walking over Kara squealed from excitement. Kara opened the box the suit was in it was icy blue suit with black and white embroidery with a yellow lightning bolt mixed with a white snowflake as the emblem and her mask was that same blue but with white snowflakes on it. She loved it she hugged Cisco "thank you, thank you, thank you I LOVE it its amazing" Kara said 
"anything for you and i'm glad you like it so much" Cisco said 
"go try it on" Caitlin said
"ok mom" Kara said and then ran back into Star Labs

"I can't believe you have a daughter" Cisco said
"me either, she looks so much like me and Barry" Caitlin said
"she does and she's a sweet girl" Cisco said
at then Kara ran back in her new suit. "that looks so good on you Kara" Caitlin said 
"thanks mom" she said Caitlin smiled at her daughter. "oh and I almost forgot, here this ring has a back up suit in case you ever need it" Cisco said "thank you I love the Snowflake on it" Kara said "as for your superhero name... I haven't got anything yet"
Cisco said Kara nodded. Then Barry walked over "I love the suit" 
he said "great but we don't need your opinion right now" Cisco said annoyed.
Kara and Caitlin stayed quiet "why are you mad at me?" Barry asked
"you know why" Cisco said "glad you liked the suit Kara but I don't really want to see your dad right now" Cisco said Kara nodded "okay thank you" Kara said
Cisco opened a breach and walked in it. "I have to go i'll see you later sweetie" Caitlin said and walked away. 
Barry sighed "are you still mad at me?" he asked
"why would I be mad if my dad said I was a mistake and didn't want me"
"that is not what I meant" 
"then what did you mean"
"I meant it was a mistake for you to come to this timeline"
"I'm a speedster like you so I know not to screw up the time line, you jut don't want me" Kara said upset
"whatever, I don't care. I'm going to spend time with my mom. The parent that actually wants me" Kara said 
"yell at me" Barry said
"yell at me for being a horrible father"
"that's not what I want"
"then what do you want?" Barry asked
"what I want is my dad" Kara said and then ran off 

Barry sighed he knew he screw up with his daughter. All of sudden he was handcuffed and blindfolded. He was kidnapped and no one knew that.

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