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It has been quiet in Central City the past few days with no metas or robberies. The West family had gone on a small vacation to Keystone which just left the OG team Flash. Caitlin and Cisco were talking on a way to warn the rest of the team if there ever was a meta human threat in Central City. The whole time they were talking Barry could stop thinking  about Caitlin.
What had happened a few days ago made him rethink his feelings for Iris. He had lived with her and Joe for 15 years so to him Iris was now more of a sister to him then a girlfriend. "I have watched you be in love with Iris since you were old enough to know what love is" Joe had once told him and Barry couldn't just loose feelings that quickly but it seems like he had.
"Hey Barry you are being awfully quiet over there, what's on your mind?" Cisco said but Barry didn't know what to say at that moment he couldn't tell him he was thinking about how he might be in love with Caitlin. Barry just stayed quiet "are you ok you just seem kind of off" Caitlin says softly he then he looked at her and all he wanted to do was jump up and say "Caitlin I love you" but he didn't. "no i'm fine I was just thinking about something" Barry tells her at this point Cisco is getting suspicious on both their behaviors "ok what is going on between you two? did something happen i'm not aware of?" he asked suspiciously. Then Caitlin and Barry look at each other then at Cisco and back at each other "show him the video" Barry said "what video?" Cisco asks confused, Caitlin pulls out her phone and show  him the security footage that she showed Barry a few nights ago. "oh wow so are you guys dating?" Cisco says in a sarcastic way "no of course not Cisco we are just friends. plus that wasn't actually Barry" Caitlin says but Cisco isn't convinced "wait what do you mean  it wasn't Barry? it clearly him in the video" Cisco says confused "that was Hannibal Bates pretending to be me" Barry says slightly hurt by what Caitlin had said "oh ok. but if it wasn't Barry why would you kiss back? unless you thought it was him and that's why you kissed him back" Cisco says and makes it sound like its true. Barry laughs at what Cisco had said "most likely" Barry said and then both him and Cisco started dying of laughter which made Caitlin uncomfortable and she was embarrassed so she just walked out of the Cortex. "I'm going to go talk to her" Barry said "no it's my fault I have to talk to her" Cisco says and he followed her. 
She had gone and sat down in the pipeline intake. "hey Caitlin" Cisco says "what do you want? here to make more fun of me?" she ask and she is clearly hurt "i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings I was just joking and messing around" Cisco says he clearly feels bad for what he did. "It's not just that" she says "what is it?" Cisco asks slightly more concerned "you are right" she says quietly "right? about what?" he says confused "I kissed him back because I thought it was Barry" she said quietly "well you have to tell him" he says happily "NO! I am not telling him. And neither are you" she says angry "but Caitlin-" he gets cut off "promise me you won't tell him until i'm ready" she says firmly, he nods in agreement then they walk back to The Cortex as if nothing happened.   

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