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Caitlin's pov:
Its been 2 days since Barry and I kissed and we've both kind of been avoiding talking about it. I don't know why I just have this feeling as if I'm forgetting something important. You know that feeling when you are about to go on vacation and you feel like your forgetting something really important but can't remember what? That's how I feel, ever since I woke up after being mind controlled i've felt as if a part of me was missing from the rest of it. "are you ok Cait?" Barry asks walking over "I don't know" I replied "what's wrong?" he asked and it was really sweet but I don't think he'd understand. He pulled up a chair and sat next to me "I feel like there's a part of me missing" I said and he looks nervous so he changes the topic. "we need to talk about our kiss" Barry said I look at him in shock. "Caitlin, I've have loved you since I woke up from my coma. I might not have known it then but I know now. You are the best person I know and push me to become better al well" he said and I am shocked "I love you too Barry but I thought you loved Iris" I said confused "I love her as if she were my sister, I've known her since we were kids and came to live with her and Joe so she's like my sister" he said and hearing that I let out a sigh of relief. It was quiet after that and I don't know what I was thinking but I kissed him and he kissed back afterwords he looked at me "so will you be my girlfriend?" he asks and I kiss him again "does that answer your question Mr.Allen?" I say sort of sarcastically "why yes it does Doctor Snow" he said. "awwwww" Cisco says from the hallway "really?" I ask he looks at me "Caitlin if I hear my two best friends talking about their relationship over course i'm going to over hear, speaking of which Barry how come she's your best friend?" he asked Barry laughs "well technically she's my girlfriend now so you are my best friend" he said and Cisco clapped. "thank you"

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