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Caitlin had finally done it, she had woken up from her coma. And in perfect timing "Barry there is someone in the building" Cisco said. Then there was a crash in Cisco's workshop.
They all ran there and saw a girl with long brown hair picking up whatever she had dropped
"who the hell are you and why are you in my workshop?" Cisco asked confused
"shit" the girl said she slowly turned around "Hi my name is Kara Allen" she said awkwardly Barry was in shock. He ran Kara,Cisco, and Caitlin to the speed lab.
"so you are my daughter? who's your mom?" Barry asked Kara looks at Caitlin 
"her" she said Cisco and Barry look at Caitlin in shock "me? I'm your mom? and Barry's your dad?" Caitlin says confused "yeah you see when you, mom... went into that coma you just woke up from you met your alter ego Killer Frost or just Frost. That's how I have your brown and white hair and Frost's eyes plus her ice powers but I also have you speed dad so i'm a mix of both of you..." Kara said "and your name is Kara?" Caitlin asked "Kara Snow Allen, I was named after Kara ZorEl known as Supergirl after she gave her life to protect all three of you. She died a
hero and you decided to name me after her" Kara said smiling 
"no no not again. I can't have a daughter especially from the future. This must have been a mistake or a joke of some sort" Barry said "BARRY!" Cisco yelled "i'll go then" Kara
said holding back tears "why would you say that to your own daughter!" Cisco
said mad and ran after Kara. Caitlin followed him "Cait" Barry said "no you don't get
to call me that after you just told OUR daughter she was a mistake" Caitlin said
with her arms crossed then she walked off. 

Kara was in the Cortex crying and Cisco and Caitlin walked in "Kara don't cry" Cisco said
"why not? you heard my dad he doesn't want me, he thinks i'm a mistake" she said 
holding her face Cisco hugged her and so did Caitlin "Barry doesn't always
say mean what he says. he is just confused right now but give him time" Caitlin said
"even if Barry said that you still have the greatest mom ever and me the best "uncle" you'd ever dream of kiddo, hey I can even make you a new suit and a super hero name" Cisco 
said trying to cheer her up and it worked! Kara looked up at them both and smiled
"lets get to work on your training and Cisco will make your suit in the mean time" 
Caitlin said Kara nodded. 

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