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A week had gone by since Barry was kidnapped and Team Flash was good. Barry hadn't told anyone else about Kara until today. Iris,Barry,Joe, and Caitlin were in The Cortex talking when Kara came running in.
"Dad there's a meta robbing Mercury Labs!" Kara said 
"suit up! lets go!" Barry said

"who was that girl and why did she call Barry dad?" Iris asked suspiciously "Barry hasn't told you yet?" Caitlin asked "she's-" Caitlin said but got cut off when Barry started talking on the coms. "I don't see him..." Barry said "Dad watch out!" Kara yelled and then the sound got cut off. At that moment Barry ran back with Kara in his arms she was bleeding from being stabbed in the back with a dagger of some sort. "oh my goodness! put her on a bed now!" Caitlin yelled
Barry put her there "Kara honey I need you to bite on this" Caitlin said giving her a something to bite on. "this is gonna hurt" Caitlin said prepping to take the remains parts of the dagger.
Barry held her hand "it's ok you are going to be fine. I'll be right here with you" Barry said
"on three, 1..." Caitlin said counting slowly "i'm here daddy is right here with you" Barry said 
"i'm so sorry" Caitlin said and pulled out the dagger "ahhhhh" Kara yelled from the pain.
Iris stood there and watched since she didn't know what to do.
Caitlin removed the remaining shard of the dagger which was painful but less painful
then removing the dagger its self. 
Afterwords Caitlin stitched her up although with speed healing she didn't need it. She gave her daughter medicine for the pain. And Kara fell asleep at this point Iris left but Caitlin and Barry were sitting right next to their injured daughter. 

"she'll be fine she just needs rest" Caitlin said
"I know she will be okay but seeing her like this makes me feel all kinds of emotions" Barry replied
"i know but that's what it's like being a parent... even if our daughter is from the future" she said and laughed. 

Barry ran to his apartment and brought a blanket and charger for his phone. Him and Caitlin watched Netflix on his phone until they were sure Kara was fully asleep. Barry then him and Caitlin fell asleep on the chairs. 

~The next morning, 9:00 am~
Cisco walked into the Cortex to find the whole Snow-Allen family asleep. He then tiptoed over and recovered them with the blanket since it had fallen down and he went back to work leaving his friends asleep.

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