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Caitlin's pov:
Grodd was control me! I started walking over to Cisco and punched him "no not you too" Cisco said "Cait don't do this" Barry says walking over to me but I can't reply. I try to punch him but he grabs my hand and stops me "you are a good a person you don't want to hurt anyone. It's Grodd controlling you" he says. All of a sudden I felt as if the room was spinning and then it turned black, the last thing I saw was Barry.

Caitlin had passed out but Barry caught her and put her on the bed in the Med Bay. Cisco did a scan to find out why she had passed out. "so it turns out Grodd is getting weaker and by mind controlling someone he uses a lot of his energy causing him to pass out and since him and Caitlin's minds are linked it causes her to go into the same mind state has him. Meaning as long as he's passed out she will be too" Cisco said in a slightly concerned voice. Barry put his hand around is neck in anxiousness "wait but Ralph wasn't affected by Grodd's mind control... so why was Cait?" Barry asks confused and he was suspicious. "Ralph? can you come over here" Cisco asked suspiciously, Ralph walked over "yeah whats up?" he asks. Cisco scans Ralph and a blinking light appears on the tablet "what is it Cisco?" Barry asked "it's saying the reason Ralph wasn't affected was because he has the speed force in his system" Cisco says surprised and confused "that doesn't make sense Ralph elongates he's not a speedster" Barry said. "well I didn't want you finding out this way..." Ralph said and clicked the back of his ear. It wasn't Ralph it was Eobard Thawne. "you have an imagine inducer? where did you get one those are only available in National City" Cisco said Eobard grinned "I have a friend in National City that has some deep pockets and can get just about anything he wants" he said with an evil smirk on his face "who?" Cisco asked confused "Lex Luthor" he said at that moment Barry was furious more than ever he punch him and then grabbed him and pushed him against the wall "how do we wake her up?" Barry asked trying not to yell. "I don't know" he said and Barry punched the wall "god damn it answer the question!" Barry yelled "I honestly don't know" he replied at that moment Barry grabbed a vile that was next to him and injected the serum into Thawne then let him go. "rookie mistake letting me go" Thawne said and tried to run away but he couldn't. "what did you do to me?" He asked. Barry grinned "I gave you the meta human cure. So no more speed for you" Barry said Cisco looked surprised yet mad at the same time. 

Cisco- what have you done?

Barry- Cisco I-

Cisco- save it

Cisco disabled lock down mode and let Thawne leave. without powers he was no longer a threat. But Cisco was furious for Barry using the cure as a weapon.

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