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Barry and Caitlin went to National City to get Iris back but she was no where to be found and neither was Weather Witch.
Caitlin and Barry had to spend the night at Kara Danvers's house since they had a mission in National City. Cisco ended up falling asleep on Barry and Caitlin's couch since he promised to stay with Kara Snow Allen.
The next morning Kara woke up and went to her parents room but they weren't there.
"Mom! Dad!" Kara yelled she went to the living room and kitchen "MOM!" Kara yelled.
Kara started having a minor panic attack "Dad!" She yelled with tears in her eyes. By now Cisco woke up and saw Kara crying.
He ran up to her "hey hey what's wrong" Cisco asked "what are you doing here?" Kara asked. "I spent the night because your parents went out last night to find Iris" Cisco said
He didn't care about explaining though. "Why were you upset" Cisco asked
"It just- waking up and not having either of my parents... it brings back horrible memories from when I was living in the orphanage" Kara said. Cisco sighed he felt bad for her "you hungry? Let's make breakfast. What do you want?" Cisco asked "pancakes" Kara says Cisco smiles "chocolate chip pancakes" Cisco said with a smirk. Kara nodded "race you to the kitchen!" Cisco said he opened a breach and Kara used her speed to race. Kara arrived first of course "looks like you lose" Kara said teasing him "yeah ok well do you want food or not?" Cisco asked sarcastically.
They make their pancakes and eat them they then washed their plates. "What do you want to to now?" Kara asked "want to build a fort" Cisco asked "yes! It can be like the fortress of solitude" Kara said "how about instead we go and visit the actual fortress of solitude" Cisco said "like Supergirl's fortress?" Kara said.
"Yes I have been their before and it's so cool" Cisco said. Kara nodded, they both went and changed and breached to Kara Danvers's apartment.

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