Memories part.1

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Kensuke POV
For some odd reason, the guys thought it was a great idea to bring old photo albumns, well everyone except Masahiro since he reluctantly thought he didn't have any. I felt kinda bad because no one took any photos for him when he was younger. But, I'll surprised him because I actually have a few video clips and photos of Masahiro when he was in middle school!! Im such a good friend. Anyways, when the guys came the next day they were holding boxes and I was kinda confused but they said that they were the photo albums and I just let them in. We all were waiting for Masahiro because we didn't want to start the fun without him. So about 10 minutes later Masahiro came but before anything else Kousuke greeted him. They kissed while we all watch but we actually found it entertaining, but Masahiro was trying to break free as always because he would always get so flustered every-time their was an audience. "Okay big brother, you can stop now. Besides, your friends are also coming over right? I asked him. He shows a light glare but sighs and says, "Yeah, but only 2. Well, I have to get back to work. See ya soon, kay sweetheart?" We all hear him say as he kisses Masa's forehead. "Y-yeah.." we hear Masa say. My brother smiles at him and goes upstairs to his room. "Masa, lets go now! I wanna see Shige's baby pictures!" I say and rum into the living. "Hey! We're starting with Jirou's not mine!" I hear Shige call out. "Heyy!!" Jirou says running as well. This is gonna be a very very fun day for all of us.
A few hours later..
Masahiro's POV
We all just finished with dinner and Kousuke's friends are now here and are hanging out with us. I was just cleaning until I hear Kensuke say, "Okay! Lets look at Masa's photos now!!" I turn to his direction and say, "I don't have a photo album, idiot." "Ha! Or so you thought! I have a collection of photos AND videos of you when you were in middle school!!" Kensuke shouts. "Videos?! Where the hell did you get those??" I ask, slightly embarrassed. "Well, I used to take videos of you on my old camera! Remember??" He asks. "Oh right.." i say completely defeated. "Hold on for a moment, let me clean real quick and then we can look at my photos." I say while scrubbing the table we all ate on. After a few minutes I was done and everyone, and I mean everyone, had their eyes on me the WHOLE time. I didn't noticed until I finished and it was really embarrassing. "What the hell?! Stop looking at me, you weirdos!!" I yell. "You were the one that was singing, so we all just watched you." Said Hasekura. Wait..WHAT?! CRAP!! THEY ALL HEARD ME SING!! I sigh and sit next to Kousuke and he puts his arms around me. I lean into his touch and told Kensuke we could look at the photos if he wanted, he was really excited and started flipping through the pages and finally stopped at one. "Ah! I remember this! You were somewhere around 13! Right?" Kensuke asks as he shows me the photo. Then there was me looking out the window of my old middle school class. "Oh, yeah I remember..we became friends a few days before, right?" I ask. Hasekura slides a protective hand over Kensuke's waist. "Hasekuraa, dont be like that. And yeah we did!" Kensuke replys. "Woah! Damn Masa! You look like a complete badass!!" Yoshi says. "Yeah! And look! Your hair is so frickin dark what the hell?!" Says Shige. "Yeah, somehow my hair lighten up when I got to highschool." I say. "Aww, my angel looks so cute!" Says Kousuke. "D-don't say that t-type of stuff..Kou.." I say to him. He chuckles and everyone else laughs it off.

After looking at the pictures of Masa
Kousuke POV
We just finished looking at Masa's photos, but I just remembered that Kensuke also said something about having some videos as well. "Hey Ken, don't you also have some videos of Masa?" I ask him. "OH YEAH!! Aww but there only 3 videos." He says slightly disappointed. Masa was about to fall asleep on me but when he heard Ken had some videos as well he immediately jumped up. "What?! Videos?! No way!! We are not watching those!!" He says jumping up. I pull him back down and whispered, "Its okay babe, I won't make fun of you.." "I-I know but...I-" He says but stops when the boys start to chant 'VIDEOS, VIDEOS, WE WANT TO WATCH THE VIDEOS!!' Kensuke obviously not caring about Masa's approval puts it on and we start to watch. Masa just burys his head onto my chest blushing like mad and I had to hug him saying that it'll be fine. The video was just a video about Masa in his middle school year playing volleyball and he was at a game. "Oh my, Masa I never knew you played volleyball." says Ayaka. Masa looks at the screen and he sees his past self. He just started to watch while leaning his head on my shoulders.

"Masahiro! The ball is all yours now!" His teammate calls out. "I got it!" He says. He jumps up and hits the ball didn't go over..there was a wall holding him back. "TIME OUT!!" His coach called out. Masahiro looked so mad and just so focused on his own thoughts. "Masahiro!" His coach called out. "Look, you did good okay? No need to pressure yourself." His coach says while patting his back. "Yeah Masa! You did an amazing job!" Young Kensuke called out. "Is that a camera-?" Asked young Masahiro. "Yep! So that way, we can look at these when we're older!" Kensuke says. "Oh okay, Just stop shoving that thing in my face." Says Masahiro pulling the camera away. "Its a camera genius, not a thing!" Says Kensuke. "Whatever.." says Masahiro. They got back on the court and the game continues. And just like that, Masa got blocked by the blockers again. "Damn it!" Masahiro shouts. "No pressure man, its okay." One of his teammates try to comfort but it dosent help. And again, he got blocked, just keeps on getting blocked. Then, "Masahiro! Your off, Ayaashi, your on." Says the coach. "Good job man." Says Ayaashi.

Video ends.
Part 2 coming up in case anyone wants.
Words: 1106

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