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Masahiro POV
I was at the Ooshiba's residence again. That day Kousuke wasn't there because he still had a lot of work to do. So I ended walking with Kensuke and the other guys. When it was getting late I was about to go home but somehow Kensuke convinced me to stay and wait for Kousuke. I didn't really mind but I was pretty tired. I ended up just talking to Hasekura and Kensuke. The other guys were gone since it was late(LiKe dUh-someone:creator chan. FOCUS ON THE DAMN STORY HOLY SHIT! creator chan aka me:what a boomer -.-)So yeah. Around 10:30 the guys got tired and ended up sleeping leaving me alone. I was also tired but I stayed up waiting for Kousuke.

Like 10 minutes later-

Masahiro POV again u-u
Jeez. Is it just me or did it just turn to the Antartica-? When did it get so cold. I would go upstairs but I wanted to wait here for Kousuke. Sad life. I was wearing short sleeves and didn't bring a hoodie. Im crying in the inside. Oh how sad I am. Wait..dosent Kousuke have a hoodie? Wait a minute..thats not even a question he's loaded with them! Maybe I can ask if I could wear one-? Wait-he's not here. Oops. Welp. I'll just get one. He wouldn't really mind anyways, I think. Oof whatever imma be a bad bitch real quick. I was tiptoeing upstairs so I wouldnt wake up the sleeping couple. I managed to get to Kousukes room and opened his closet. 'Of course half of his closet has hoodies.' I said to myself. Hmm..which one-? Not the ones that he likes a lot. But he likes all of them-crap. Now what do I do-? Whatever, I'll just take this one. I took a huge black hoodie out and wore it. Woah..its pretty big(thats what she saiddd-someone:CREATOR CHAN YOU ARE SERIOUSLY ASKUNG FOR A DEATH WISH!! creator chan aka me: im telling you-b00merrr-) It went all the down to the bottom of my thighs. Ehh. It was actually comfy. It also smells like Kousuke. I decided not to stand around for much longer and just leave-so thats what I did. I left Kousuke's room and went back down. But not without grabbing a pillow and blanket. I tiptoed back downstairs and was lying down on the couch. This time with a pillow under my head and a blanket covering me. I just watched anime for a while. I looked at the time after 30 minutes passed-or what I thought 30 minutes has passed. It was already 1:00am! The hell?! How is this possible! I literally just watched two episodes of Ouran High school Host club like are you kidding me-?!(yall weebs know how this feels like ;((() But thats not important right now! Whats important is Kousuke. Where could he possibly be right now? Please dont tell me he fell asleep at school! Just as I was thinking about all the 'possible' things Kousuke could be doing right now, I heard the door open. At first I was scared cause I thought it was some random guy that decided to say 'Hey! Lemme just come in and rob y'all' but I heard a very familiar sigh and I was relieved. Kousuke finally decided to come home. I got out of the couch and walked towards the door way. "Hi Kousuke..how are you?" I say in a sleepy tone. "Masa?! What are you doing? You should be sleeping right now!" Kousuke say in a warm but lecturing tone. "I'm sorry..I was waiting for you to come home." I say to him. "Masaaa! Next time please don't, you need sleep too!" He says but then I heard him gasp. "Kousuke? Whats wrong?" I ask worryingly. "I-Is that my hoodie?" He says as he points at it. "Ah! Oh yeah..sorry..it was just pretty cold." I say shyly. "Awh! You look so cute in it! This totally made my night better." He says as he flashes me a warm smile. I blush but smile shyly at him. "Y-yeah.." I say. "Anyways..you must be tired! You should probably get changed and sleep.." I say. "You're right. Can we cuddle by the way?" The older male asks as I was walking to the couch to get the pillow and blanket. "Hm? Really..? I-I..sure.." I agreed. He smiled and said a small thanks while I nodded, blushing. I got my pillow and blanket and went upstairs to Kousuke's room. I setted the pillow down and the blanket. I gof under the sheets and was waiting for my lover to join me. A few minutes later he came into the room, turned off the lights and got into bed with me. He put his arms around my waist and just hummed. I turned around to face him and put my arms around his neck. I said my goodnight and I love you to him and he said it back. We ended up drifting into sleep and he said I could keep his hoodie in the morning which I said yes too.

The endddd :DD

Hellooo thereee!! How have you all been? I hope you all have been doing good so far! Anyways, today is Mother's day (for me) so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU ALL!! Remember to always be grateful for your mothers because they are the ones who have sacrificed the most! I love you all and see you all soon! Any request? Comment please and I'll do it as soon as possible! Love you!!


Words: 955

(Might be some spelling or grammar mistakes, since its literally 3:00 am where I live and I'm tired but imma still watch anime >:D)

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