Beaten Kensuke

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Kensuke POV
"Ow! Hey, what was that for?!" I yelled at the group of girls in front of me. "This is what you get for taking our Hasekura away!!" One of them say as the kick my knee. "I honestly don't understand how someone as perfect as Hasekura can stand a scrawny kid like you! Hell!! You can't even defend yourself!" Another one says as they slap me. I felt so weak..these girls were the same age as me but..I can't just hit them..can I? That would be out of line. All I could really do is just tell them to just fuck off. "Leave me alone! I have done nothing wrong..and besides! Hasekura chose me! Not any of you guys! Stop being so jealou-" I was about to finish but I felt one of them knee me in the stomach. "You asshole! Your the reason why Hasekura isn't my boyfriend!! You stole him! I bet your just using him!" She says as she started to punch me. "I'm not using him damn it!! Your just jealous!!" I say to the crowd, but oh how deeply I regret it. "You gay dare you talk to me like that..HOW DARE YOU!" She says as she again, kicks my stomach. I yelped. "Come on ladies..let show this disgrace how he should act around a lady.." The girl says, I then heard all the other girls giggling. Crap. I messed up. How did I get in this mess again? Oh yeah. Because I apparently 'took their Hasekura' away from them. Thats honest bullshit-ow! Fuck! I was punched and kicked everywhere. I couldn't do anythung to defend myself. Damn I'm so weak. I feel dizzy now..I wonder why..

-blacks out-
A few hours later
still our baby Kensuke POV

"Ow.." I woke up. Where was I? I don't remember coming here. I try to sit up but I couldn't. " anyone there..?" I manage to say. A few seconds later I hear footsteps running towards my direction. "Kensuke!!" I see Hasekura yell. "Hasekura.." I say. "Oh don't know how worried I was.." He says as he hugs me. "What happened.." I ask. "You were getting beaten up..those idiot girls..I wanna kill them-" "Haskuraaaa!! Don't say that! You can go to jail for that for goodness sake!" I say to him. "It's not like I'm gonna get caught." He says in a cold voice. I flinched at it, and he notices. "Awh Ken..don't worry..I'll never use that voice when I'm talking to's just those girls. I can't believe they hurt you like this!" He started to raise his voice. "H-Hasekura..I'm alright. That's all that matters..right.?" I say to him with a sad smile. He kisses my forehead. "That's not even a question. Of course you being okay is all that matters..but also your own happiness matters a lot to me." He says as he caresses my cheek. I blush at what he said. "O-Oh..your happiness means a lot to me too!!" I say. "Ahh alright babe..but promise me something. If your ever being bullied, alert me immediately. You know that I'm seriously not afraid of throwing hands-" "Hasekura-! I know!! Don't worry!!" I say as I kiss his cheek. He smiles and kisses my hand. "Good boy." He says with a slight smirk. I giggle at his words. I love him a lot..I know I might sound all lovey-dovey but I think I wanna marry this man. "Hey Kensuke?" J hear Hasekura say. "Y-yes?" I stutter. "When were out if here..lets get married. Lets have a child together.." I hear him say. "H-Hasekura! How are we suppose to have a child together if I'm a boy?!!" I say, blushing. "We'll figure it out..right?" He says with a smirk. "I-I-" "It's settled then!! I'm sk excited for the future!" Hasekura starts to hug me. "I'm excited as well..really excited.." I mumble. Hasekura obviously heard me and hugged me tighter. We lasted like that until he pulled back and kissed me. I obviously returned the kiss. Yep. The man I want to marry is Hasekura Ayasa. "So remember if those thots come close to you ever again-" "OH MY GOD HASEKURA I GET IT!"

Hiyooo yes I wrote a Hasekura x Kensuke one shot. Sorry I also kinda rushed on this so yeahh. I wrote it because I never seen any one shots about these two and because these two are honestly the cutest! okai thats all i have to say! If you have any request please remember to leave it in the commentss thank you baiii ilysm <33

Words: 798

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