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Thank you for suggesting this to me, but i realized that it'll similar to my other oneshot-I'll be here to protect you. But I'll try to make it as different as possible :))

Masahiro POV
"Crap..we're running out food." I say to myself. I was at the Ohshiba's residence, and was about to cook dinner until I realized that they were running low of ingredients and food. "I'm going to the store, I need to get some ingredients..I'll be back soon." I say to Kousuke. "Hey wait, I'll drive you there." I hear him say. "No it's alright, I'll be able to get there on my own. Besides, you have a lot of work to finish." I say to him. "Are you sure? It's getting late y'know." Kousuke asked. "Yes, I'll be alright. I won't be out for long." I say to him as I kiss his cheek. "Oh alright, just hurry okay? I don't want anything to happen to you." I hear my lover say. "Yeah yeah alright, I told you I'll be back soon." I chuckle. "Haha, I know." He says. "Okay, I'm heading out now.." I say but was stopped. "Wait! It's pretty chilly out there, you can wear my hoodie." Kousuke said as he gave me one of his spare hoodies. "'s alrig-" "Just take it, Masa." He demanded. "Oh alright fine.." I reluctantly agreed. I put on the hoodie and waved one last goodbye to him before I headed out. I was walking for a little while before I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I looked to see some people I had never seen before, but I knew damn well they were trouble. "Hey there know that bear killer right? I mean, you probably because you were brought into Toru's gang and I'm pretty sure Toru mentioned him a few times about wanting to destroy him." The stranger says. "What are you talking about?" I say sternly. Ever since I left Toru's gang I became a lot more confident, and was no longer scared when it comes to these types of situations. But when it came to fighting, I'm still not able to defend myself.

"Well, we've seen you hang out a lot with that bear killer. Aren't you part of Toru's gang? He would be very mad if someone were to betray him.." Another stranger told me.

"I'll happily let you guys know I left that gang a long time ago. So I'll appreciate it if you just leave me alone." I say to them.

"You left? Wow, what a must've hurt Toru a lot. But I won't leave you alone, we just want to know what the bear killer's weakness is..we've seen you two. You guys seem pretty close. So tell me, what are his weaknesses, cutie?" They say to me.

"Don't you dare call me that. Besides, I don't know any of his weaknesses. Even if I did know, I have intentions of you thugs whatsoever." I say coldly.

Then all of a sudden one of them grabbed me by the neck and started to choke me.

"How dare you speak to us like this. Do you realize that we're actually strong then a little twig like you?" One of them say to me.

"L-Let g-go" I breathed.

"I'm not planning on. I don't care if you don't care if you don't know anything about that damn bear killer..I think you deserve a little lecture about how to treat others.." They say to me.

"We shouldn't do it here you can see we're kinda in the public. Let's give him a lesson in someplace else." One of the other thugs that's a lot more smarter then this one said. Hey I'm just saying.

"Oh I guess you're right, Kishuzu.." The one thats still choking me said.

'Fuck. Fuck. Why does this shit happen to me.' Was all I could think as I was basically kidnapped and taken to some place I had no idea of..oh crap. Kousuke gonna get worried. I don't think he'll be able to actually find me. I was in the trunk of some car. Wait, where the hell did this car even come from?! The author better give explanation at the end of this damn one shot. Oh sorry, broke the forth wall there. Don't mind what I just said. Please.

Kensuke POV
I was walking home after my visit at a bookstore. I was only there because I wanted to see my favourite manga there. It just came out and I really wanted to buy it but I realized I didn't have enough money which kinda broke my heart but oh well. As I was walking home I saw Masahiro get out of the home and started to walk-off somewhere. Where was he going? Did he and my brother fight again? All these thoughts were filling my head. I was about to call out Masahiro's name but then I see this group of guys come out of nowhere and surprise Masahiro by putting an arm around him. Who the hell are they? I know Masa's not the type to cheat but I was really confused. They stopped him and were talking to him for a while so I took the chance to hide behind some wall and tried to listen in for a while.

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