Memories part 2

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Masahiro POV
The video ends. Everyone was looking at me, they obviously wanted an explanation. I sighed and told them. "Okay, Fine I'll explain. So basically what happened was that I kept getting blocked, as you saw. I had no idea how to surpass that stupid wall of blockers. So I kept getting more and more coach obviously saw but just kept me on the court hoping that I'll eventually score a point. But it never happened and he just decided to switch me out with someone else. You all know the rest.." I finish with a sigh. Everyone just looked at me with sad faces. I hate to see them like this. "A-Anyway..Let's just get on with something else!!" I say as I flash a warm smile towards the crowd. They all nodded and just proceeded to continue doing other things like play video games. I simply just watched them as they did what they did. Then in less then 5 minutes chaos broke out. I just sighed and tried to stop them from throwing hands but I ended up getting a glare from Kensuke and TRUST ME, that little cloud of fluff is the scariest when he's mad. I mean it, so I just ended just resting my head on Kousuke's shoulders while talking to him. "Hey Masa..why don't you play volleyball anymore..?" Kousuke asks me as he strokes my hair. "I...don't really know. I remember everyone telling me that I should keep playing volleyball because I was such a good player..but the more people kept encouraging me the more I lost interests in the sport. So I guess it's because I've lost interests." I say as I stare into space. "Oh..I won't force you to get into the sport again, but I can suggest that you do try the sport again. Who knows? You might end up bring very successful." I hear him say. "Yeah, your right..but I rather be with my husband rather then be famous or be successful..I mean, being with you is my main goal y'know.." I say as I plant a kiss on his nose. I smiled at him and he smiles back. I was happy no one was looking over at us, that would be pretty embarrassing if you ask me.."Im glad your mine..and no one else's.." Kousuke said as he kisses my forehead. "H-hey..I'm not didn't claim me..!" I said with a blush spreaded across my face. "Watch me." He said to me with a smirk. All I did was blush and hid my head in my knees. "HEY YOU DUMB BITCHES THATS NOT HOW YOU PLAY!!! STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS!!" I hear Kensuke shout. Everyone was quite shock with what Kensuke said especially Hasekura and Kousuke. "Kensuke, you can swear but just not around me please." I hear Kousuke say. "NO WAY!! SHIGE HERE IS BEING A DUMB BITCH AND TRYING TO REVEAL HIS FUCKIN ROLE WHEN HE KNOWS DAMN WELL HE SHOULDNT!!!" I hear Kensuke say. "AY ALRIGHT! Im sorry for being a 'dumb bitch'.." Shige mumbles. "I want you to prove it." Kensuke backfires. "How?!" Shige responds. "Hmm..Lets see. Oh! How about NOT TO REVEAL YOUR DAMN ROLE IN FLICKER??!?" (flicker is a game in roblox btw) Kensuke starts to scream again. "*sighs* Kenny..stop swearing for crying out loud.." Hasekura says as he strokes Kensuke back. "It's kinda hard not too when someone is being a dumb-" "-Bitch. We know Kensuke you said it several times by now." I say sighing. "Awh..your now against me? Thats mean Masa.." Kensuke says, pouting. "Im on no one's side trust me, but seriously you need to stop swearing." I start off. "But swearing is funnn!!" Kensuke says (LITERALLY ME I SWEAR-someone:DENIEL MAN CONTINUE THE DAMN STORY-me:IM SORRY—") I sighed at him. "You know what just do whatever the fuck you please." I say to him. "MASAHIRO SWEAREDDD!!" Shige says. "HAHAHA MASA YOUR BAD NOW!" Kensuke joins in and the two start laughing like maniacs. "What the hell?! When Kensuke swears its no big deal but when I swear its a whole different story?!" I say to the maniacs. "Hey dont take it like man, its just that most of the time you act like a mother or a housewife." Yamabe stated. I-I got nothing else to say. "Thats true-" Kousuke starts off. "Shut the hell up!" I say to him blushing. "Im going to sleep now, im a little tired of the bullshit i heard.." I mumble the last part. "Its not bullshit if its true Masa-" Yamabe shouts but I got in the room in time to slam the door to signal him that he should shut up. I walked to the bed and laid there..I really was tired. I closed my eyes and in just 0.5 seconds I was in a deep sleep.

In the morning

Masahiro POV

I woke up from my sleep. I checked the time and it was only 6:00am. I was about to get up but I felt something holding me back down I turned and found Kousuke sleeping..he obviously had his arms around me and I obviously didnt mind, but it was a school day so I had to get him to wake up. "K-Kousuke..wake up. It's morning and we'll be late.." I say shaking him lightly. "Okay babe, just 5 more minutes.." I hear him mumble as he pulls me closer. I sighed at his adorableness and just told him okay. 5 minutes later I told him that he should seriously get up and he reluctantly agreed. We got up and put out uniforms on. As I reached for the door I feel some hands snake around me, I leaned back obviously knowing who it was and I closed my eyes. "Im happy your mine.." I hear Kousuke say to me. "Im happy too.." I say back to him. "So..I can now claim you.?" He says with a slight smirk. "Dont ask me that-!! And whats with that statement?! You can really be such a perv you know!" I say blushing at him. "Hm..I know..and I know you like it when Im like this.." He says to me. "W-whatever.." I stuttered. We were like that for a while..but I wish it was forever. We eventually had to go school and part ways for a while.

I dont know how to end this so i'll just leave it like this T-T im very sorry lool

Ahh im sorry I havent updates for some time..I kinda lost the motivation to write for a while but I got it back! If you have any request please, please dont be shy to tell me! Im honestly not sure what to write next. Btw heres my roblox lool: gacha_dannie yea i like gacha lool. I might not be able ti friend you all but if you want to be friends leave your roblox name in the comments! Okai thats all i have to say byee!!


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