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Masahiro POV
"Alright Masahiro! Truth or dare?!" Kensuke asked.

Why did I agree to play this game with these guys?

Oh right

They forced me

"Uhm, truth-" I said but was interrupted.


"Yeah, it's not like Kensuke's smart enough to think of something good y'know?" Shige said.

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Kensuke yelled.

"Exactly what it sounded like." Shige responded.

"Alright Alright. I pick dare." I give up.

"Good choice!" Kensuke stood up and walked out the room.

"Uhm..where is that idiot going?" I asked.

"Im not sure." Jirou said.

After a few seconds we heard Kensuke call out from the other side.

"Alright! Masa! I want you to close you eyes alright? And don't open them until I say so!" He yelled.

"Alright?!" I yelled back.

I covered my eyes, and told Kensuke that my eyes are closed.
I heard the door open but didn't dare to peak in case Kensuke might catch me.

The next thing I hear is all the guys snickering. I'm not sure why.

"Alright! Open your eyes!" Kensuke said.

I opened my eyes.

And I saw uniform


"Tomorrow! I want you to wear this and some extensions to school! If you don't I swear to you I'll make sure you regret it!" Kensuke threatened.

"WHAT?!?" I screamed

"You heard what I said. You don't have to try it on now, surprise us tomorrow. I just need to help you learn how to put some extensions on." Kensuke said as he took out some blonde extensions from his pockets.

I just sighed in frustration.

"Why me out of all people?!" I asked.

"Why? Because the creator said you-"

"Do not break the fourth wall like that Kensuke!" Creator Chan screamed.

"Anyways-because, I know you'd look great in this!" Kensuke exclaimed.

"Whatever.." I turned away.

"Come on! I wanna see Masahiro in those extensions!" Shige screamed.

"Same here!" Yamabe agreed.

"Let's do this then!" Kensuke yelled.

Well sucks to be me.

After applying the extensions-

Everyone was silent. It was nerve wracking.

I shut my eyes. I didn't even wanna look at them.

"Wow.." Kensuke said.

"W-what's the problem..?" I stuttered.

"You actually look like a girl.." Shige said.

"No kidding.." Yamabe agreed.

I opened my eyes to see they're reaction.

They looked shocked.

I then looked at myself in the nearby mirror.

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